Wicked Games

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Book: Wicked Games by Jill Myles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Myles
onto my hand and felt the texture – thick like lotion. The sand was going to stick to us like mad, but I didn’t care. I’d take gritty sand all over me and no bugs. With quick, enthusiastic motions, I began to rub it onto my bare, exposed arms.
    Seeing my enthusiasm, Dean poured a small bit into his hand as well and began to cover his body as well. We stood there in the blistering sunlight, rubbing bug repellent lotion on our bodies, giddy with delight. After all, in swimwear there was so much skin uncovered, I suspected we’d end up using the entire bottle up long before the game was over. I didn’t care – I wanted relief from bugs now.
    I saw Dean’s hand slide over his lower back, and noticed a big bare patch where he couldn’t quite reach his skin, and imagined the bugs landing there. With my grease-slicked hands, I immediately began to rub the lotion across the span of his back, hitting between his shoulder-blades and down his spine to cover his body in its entirety. Dean grunted at that, and I guessed he was pleased. “Thanks,” he said, as I slicked my hands over the rock-hard muscles one last time. “Here,” he said, pulling away. “Let me do you.”
    I turned and presented my back to him, rubbing my hands on my bare stomach and thinking how different my body felt from his. His entire build was one of lean muscle and corded sinew – I was all softness and curves. Embarrassed, I almost stepped away again until I felt his hands slide over my shoulders, slick with lotion. And then I gave a sigh of pure pleasure. Not only would it keep the bugs away, but it was cool and refreshing against my hot, sun-dry skin. I arched and flexed a little under his skimming hands. Nothing should feel quite that heavenly.
    After a moment or two, it became clear to me that the lotion-rubbing had proceeded past the ‘perfunctory’ stage. His hands still slid across my slick back, but the feel had taken on a more exploratory sensation, and I felt his fingertips trail across the dip in the small of my back, sending shivers through my skin. His hands flattened against my lower back, as if spanning my waist, and I sucked in a breath at the sensations that shot through me. They definitely had nothing to do with the game, and everything to do with Dean’s nearness. His fingertips moved along my sides, gently skimming in an almost ticklish fashion, trailing upward until I felt them touch against the straps of my bikini top. I felt him move forward a step, his shadow falling over me, and my entire body felt soft and languid, heat coursing through me.
    “Abby,” Dean began in a low, husky voice, and I turned, gazing over my shoulder at him with heavy-lidded eyes. The look on his face was heated, sexual.
    Something crashed in the underbrush nearby. Startled, I pulled away from Dean and averted my face, trying to hide the flush creeping over my face. He cleared his throat, and whatever moment we were having – or about to have – vanished.
    Two figures emerged out of the palm trees on the far side of camp and waved at us. I squinted in the bright sunlight, trying to make out their names. “Lana and...Will.” Both were dressed in vivid yellow that played well against their dark skin.
    “Are they supposed to be here?” I glanced over at my partner.
    Dean shrugged, his muscles still gleaming from the lotion. “I guess the camera-man will tell us if not, right?”
    The camera-man usually assigned to our beach hovered not too far away – I barely noticed him anymore – and he didn’t seem to be having any sort of show-produced anxiety attack, or calling his boss on his satellite phone, so I guessed that the occasional camp visits were allowed.
    After a moment’s hesitation, I moved forward, following Dean.
    Lana was waving cheerfully, a sly smile on her face as we approached, and I guessed that she’d seen Dean and I doing the mutual-lotion-rub-down. Her partner was juggling two coconuts in his arms and held them out as we

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