Wicked Flower

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Book: Wicked Flower by Carlene Love Flores Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carlene Love Flores
band’s webmaster had a woman, their late night Fall for Duty sessions had
come crashing to an end. Love, the ultimate man-friend
    “We’ll see,” Will said and restacked
the DVD’s on the floor near the small TV in their room. “Road House” was now
second to “Dirty Dancing” and the teen werewolf flick dropped to third. Looks
like Will would be up all night watching his new Swayze stash. There had to be
some way Stefan could get Will around someone new without his buddy knowing
what he was up to. At least one of them needed to get laid.
    “Yeah, I guess this visit will be
a pretty good dry run with us all under the same roof.” Stefan wouldn’t push.
He would unpack his clothes later and left his suitcase against one of the walls.
For a second, he stood facing the mirrored closet door. “Hey, thanks for coming
with. I appreciate it.”
    Will just nodded then said, “Let’s
go eat. I’m starving.” He smoothed his hair down over the side of his head with
the harsher scars.
    “You’re always starving.” Not
sure why he kept doing this to himself, Stefan’s thoughts immediately went to
how hungry he was for her.
    “I know. Hey, out of curiosity,
has your mom ever seen a picture of Sin Pointe?”
    Stefan considered the fact that glancing
around the walls as they’d made their way through the home so far and all
pictures of him were the same childhood ones, probably not. “I don’t think so.
If you want I can dig one up and show her,” Stefan said as they made their way
back out of the room, down the hall and to the stairs. “I’m sure she’d be
fascinated by the platinum spiky mohawk ,
leather and chains. Your piercing would go over really well.” He pulled out his
phone and mouthed “Let’s see here, Google Image search Sexy Sin Pointe Drummer
Will Cordero. Nipple Ring.”
    “Asshole. You wouldn’t.”
    “I would but I won’t. Besides I’d
be outing myself too,” Stefan said and rubbed his still growing beard.
    “Oh, so mom’s never seen her boy
wearing eyeliner?”
    “That’s guy-liner and you wear it
    God, he hoped Mom hadn’t seen any
of the band’s magazine spreads. Sin Pointe’s shoots
were about being fast, easy and pleasing to the fan base. They’d once posed
butt naked for some full body tat shots. All but
ink-free Marion, who stood there dressed in what looked like a black apron,
looking more like a butcher with his arms folded across his chest than their
keyboardist. “Dude, you remember that shot that had Marion looking like our Dom
Master?” Stefan asked.
    “Yeah, all he needed was a whip.
That was fucking funny until he slapped my ass,” Will said, rubbing his butt.
“That shit stung and left a welt. He’s got a firm ass slap.”
    Stefan nearly cracked up. “Yeah, that
was fucking funny … unless Mom saw that issue.”
    “Something tells
me we’re safe then. Mom doesn’t strike me as a Tat Master subscriber.”
    Will had a point.
    But worse would
be the paparazzi rags they always stocked right there at the grocery checkout
and the parade of bad shots with him and who knew how many different women.
    They hovered near the last few
steps and spoke over each other again.
    “Agreed, no band
pics for Mom.”
    “Something smells good. This
Daniela must be a really good cook,” Will said as he hopped down, skipping the
last step. Stefan smiled, remembering doing that as a kid.
    The more he heard the name, the
more it bugged Stefan that she wasn’t here with his mom. He’d give the lady
credit, she kept a clean house. At least he hoped that was her doing and not
Mom’s. How many times had the babysitter made him do the chores when she’d been
paid extra to do them? At least until Stefan was old enough to keep her
occupied with other things. Mom had apparently never known about that or she’d
have had even more to be ashamed about when it came to her only son.
    His mind flashed to the new daisy
bed in his old room but actual hunger brought him

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