Wicked Beginning: An Ivy Morgan Mystery Books 1-3

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Book: Wicked Beginning: An Ivy Morgan Mystery Books 1-3 by Lily Harper Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harper Hart
that was a mouthful.”
    Jack pursed his lips, nodding. “Yes, it was. I got an earful from a local woman yesterday who accused me of some … not nice things … and I wanted to clarify that I am not out to malign anyone.”
    “That’s very nice of you,” Felicity said. “I’m not overly sensitive, though. Do you have photos of these symbols for me to look at.”
    Jack nodded. “They’re … graphic.”
    “I figured they would be,” Felicity said. “I can look at them. I understand the gravity of solving this case. This is a peaceful area, and the last thing we want is something like this to go on when it’s not necessary.”
    Jack sighed, relieved. “Thank you for helping.”
    “I’m not promising I can help,” Felicity cautioned. “I am promising I want to help, though. So, how about you show me those photos and we go from there?”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    “I CAN’T say that I know what these are,” Felicity said, turning a few of the photos sideways so she could focus on them from another direction.
    “What can you say?” Jack asked, lifting a candle and studying it before returning it to the shelf. “Do you think they mean something?”
    “They obviously mean something,” Felicity said. “You don’t carve symbols into someone’s body if it doesn’t mean something. The question is: Do they mean something to more than one person?”
    “I’m not sure I understand,” Jack replied honestly.
    “One man can convince himself there’s power in a symbol, even if he makes it up himself,” Felicity explained. “Multiple men can find power in a symbol if it means something to more than one person.”
    “That kind of sounds like a riddle.”
    “It’s not meant to,” Felicity said. “There is something very familiar about these symbols. I just can’t figure out where I’ve seen them before.”
    “Believe it or not, you’re not the first person to tell me that,” Jack said.
    “Who else have you shown these to?”
    “There’s a local woman in Shadow Lake,” Jack said. “I’m new to the area, and my partner suggested I take the photos to her. The body happened to be found on her property, so I thought she would be willing to help.”
    Felicity made a face. “She wasn’t?”
    “She was,” Jack said. “She just … has an attitude where I’m concerned. I’m not sure what I did to her, but she doesn’t want to help me. She wants to help the dead woman, and I don’t want to act like she’s not willing to help when she is. I’d just rather get someone else to give me some insight if I can.
    “It’s not easy to get a lead when the person with the answers won’t talk to you,” he said.
    Felicity’s smile was small but heartfelt. “This woman … did she give you any indication why she was so angry with you?”
    “I think she just hates men.”
    Felicity wrinkled her nose, confused. “I see.”
    “I don’t think you do,” Jack said. “She’s … belligerent.”
    “Many men say that about many women.”
    “No, this woman is really mean. I thought she was just nervous as first. That’s definitely not the case, though.”
    “Maybe she thinks you’re … belligerent … too.”
    “I don’t see how that’s possible,” Jack said. “I’ve been nothing but professional and friendly.”
    “Well, I still think it’s probably a misunderstanding,” Felicity said. “Do you mind if I scan some of these photos into my computer? I have a program that will match them to any reference materials I have on my laptop. It might take some time, but it will cut down on the legwork.”
    Jack nodded. “Go for it.”
    “It will just take me a second,” Felicity said, gathering the photos to her chest and turning to the back of the store. “Make yourself at home. Look around. I won’t be long.”
    “You’re helping me,” Jack said. “Take as long as you need.”
    “There’s tea in the pot over there,” Felicity said, pointing. “Help yourself. I’ll be right

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