Wicked All Night

Read Online Wicked All Night by Shayla Black - Free Book Online

Book: Wicked All Night by Shayla Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayla Black
flushed and sweet. Innocent.” He breathed over her nipples, still toying, arousing, owning them. “I’ll fix that.”
    Rachel assumed he was kidding, but Decker didn’t smile or wink.
Mercy . . .
Remembering the feel of him, steely and sizzling in her palm, made her skin tingle with anticipation as she imagined just exactly how good he would feel stretching and filling her—helping her finally understand the give and take of lovers straining for the common purpose of sharing wrenching, clawing pleasure.
    â€œPlease . . .”
    â€œAh, begging. Always sweet, but especially tempting coming from you. I think I’m going to want more. Let me see what I can do.” His smile was predatory and pleased, but somehow still set her at ease. “Take off the panties.”
    Rachel wanted to—really. Once she did, she’d be one step closer to fulfillment. But she had a surprise . . .
    â€œLet me up for one second. I want to show you something.”
    Decker hesitated. He didn’t want to. As easygoing as he’d been at the bar, that was how forceful he seemed now. And she might be in over her head, but that didn’t stop Rachel from wanting him.
    â€œA second, no longer.” He eased off the bed with obvious reluctance. His hands didn’t leave her bare skin until he stood too far away to touch her.
    Scooting off the bed, she brushed past him with a pounding heart, full of yearning and apprehension.
    Finally, Rachel inched past him just far enough for him to view her backside, then glanced over her shoulder at him, only to find his stare glued to her butt.
    â€œHoly shit,” he muttered. “That’s gorgeous.”
    Remembering the big, silky black bow that played peekaboo with her pale cheeks, she smiled. His approval spiked bliss inside her. She’d always liked helping and doing for others, but this . . . was different. This sense of thrill was more personal.
    Of course when she’d bought these panties from a catalog about six months ago, she’d been pretty sure that madness had finally overtaken her. Now she was glad she’d succumbed to the impulse. His bulging stare and damn near speechless reaction felt so sweetly fabulous.
    â€œDo you want to unwrap me?” Rachel whispered, watching him from under lowered lashes as she wiggled her hips just slightly.
    He cocked a dark brow and dragged his gaze to her face. “If I tug on this ribbon, these will come off?”
    That possibility obviously excited him. Impatience pinged off of him—and boosted her confidence.
    With a coy look, she batted her lashes. “Why don’t you find out?”
    Anchoring a hand on her thigh, Decker stepped up behind her, his hot breath on her neck. With the other hand, he grabbed one of the floppy bow’s loose ends and gave a little tug. It unraveled, and the silken material slipped to hang low on her hips. With big hands, he tugged the panties down her thighs, leaving them both as naked as the day they’d been born.
    With a moan of appreciation, Decker palmed her backside, his lips sliding over her shoulder. With his big body pumping out heat like a furnace, he chased away the slight chill in the room and suffused her with warmth. She tossed her head back to rest on the hard bulge of his shoulder, her hair sliding over his skin erotically.
    He bit into her lobe. “You’re teasing me, beautiful.”
    â€œIs that going to get me in trouble?” Where was this inner vixen coming from? It was as if knowing that she truly aroused him had allowed her to relax and engage in the sort of banter that often shaped her fantasies. He seemed more than willing to play along.
    â€œNo,” he murmured in her ear. “It’s going to get you fucked. Long and hard and relentlessly.”
    Good gravy. As dirty as his words were, they sounded not just sexual, but seductive. Decker wouldn’t be mechanical.

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