Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire?

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Book: Who Wants to Marry a Billionaire? by Emily Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Stone
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mother was born and raised in Lowell, her grandfather was a barber, and her
grandmother worked in restaurants.  After high school, Vicki ran away to be a
model.  She ended up at a photo shoot in Rio and that’s where she met Nina’s
father.  The father was a minor celebrity on the F1 racing circuit, doing well
enough.  There was a whirlwind romance, they married, and Nina was born seven
months later.  When Nina was six, her father died when he crashed during a
race.  Her mother never really got over it.  She drifted back to Lowell, and managed
to sort of raise three kids with the help of her parents, but Nina took over a
lot of responsibility at a very young age.”
what’s wrong with using the truth?”
paced around the room, thinking.  “We could make her Brazilian, she looks it
enough, and then we could tell people she doesn’t speak English.  You’d both
have to learn a few phrases of Portuguese to throw around, but after Cannes,
people will believe almost anything about you—a girl with whom you can’t really
communicate would be very believable.” 
Daniel turned to Elsa.  “Can we please forget about Cannes?  Remember, I’m
trying to look like a mature businessman here!  Nina’s smart; she went to a
great college.  Don’t you think it will look better to Arturo that I picked a
nice, intelligent, responsible girl from a humble background instead of some
spoiled society brat?  He’s a self-made man, I think he’ll like that.”
pursed her lips.  “Hmm.  You might be on to something there.  All the same, she
needs to learn how to swim with the sharks or she’ll be gobbled alive before
she ever has a chance to meet Arturo.”

    Chapter Twelve
first thing we have to do is find you a better name.”   Elsa looked at her
notepad and made a little check mark. 
wrong with my name?”  Nina looked alarmed.  “I like my name.”
too…ethnic…and not in a good way.  If you’re going to be a commoner, you need
to be an exotic commoner…Natalie, Natalia…wait, Natasha.
 To be honest with you Elsa, that sounds stupid.”
whacked her pencil sharply on the pad.  “Do not call anyone or anything
‘stupid’ Nina.  It makes you sound exactly that.  Now rephrase what you just
said to me in a more appropriate manner.”
could feel her jaw muscles clenching.  “I’m not sure that I would be
comfortable with the name Natasha.”
But Nina, you have really got to get that fiery little South American temper of
yours under control.  Displays of emotion are not acceptable in the socialite
world.  Never—I mean never—let them see you get upset.  There will be jealous
women who will be cruel and catty and disparage you at every turn.  Giving in
to impulse is not only déclassé, it’s like chumming sharks.”
           It was
the first time Elsa ever sounded like a real person, Nina thought, like Elsa
might have experienced some of that cruelty and cattiness first hand.  She
softened her response, “No, I understand, I do.  I know you’re just trying to
help me.”
sniffed.  “I’m not trying to do anything for you, I’m just trying to help
Daniel close this deal.”  She looked back at her checklist.  “Alright, we’ll
leave the name alone.   You at least went to an appropriate college, but never tell
anyone you were on scholarship.”  Nina nodded.  “Working for the DeVere’s
philanthropic foundation sounds good, creates a credible place for Daniel to
have met someone outside his…circles.  Your manners seem to be alright, but
remember: never slouch, never curse, never use slang and never, never, under
any circumstance, flirt with anyone who isn’t Daniel.”
would I

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