Who Gets the Friends?

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Book: Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Smith
Tags: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
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Club a little before 6:00, nursing a scotch and soda. He looked around at the elegant muted décor, plush red leather seats and fine china on linen tablecloths. The wait-staff hustled from table to table, serving aroma-enticing entrees. He glanced at his watch again and was surprised when he felt an arm on his shoulder. He looked around at Doug’s smiling face.
    “There he is,” Doug began. “Glad you made it.”
    Tom leaned over and gave Peggy a quick hug. “Hi, Peg. What’s the occasion?”
    “No occasion,” she answered. “We just felt like a night out and wanted to share it with you.”
    He raised his glass. “I’m honored.”
    Doug and Peggy took seats, then ordered drinks.
    “What’ve you been doing this weekend?” Doug asked.
    Tom took a sip. “Not much. I found some of my old prints when I was digging through a box in my closet. I matted and framed them. They look pretty good on the walls.”
    “Good,” Doug commented. “Really getting the place in shape, eh?”
    “Trying to.”
    “Tom, are you going to have a Christmas party to unveil your new home?” Peggy asked.
    He stared at her. “It never occurred to me.”
    She rested her hand on his arm. “Not to worry—you’re always welcome at our house, and I expect you to be there New Year’s Eve.”
    The hostess approached Doug, telling him that their table was ready. They started toward the main dining room when Doug suddenly stopped.
    “Uh—could we get a booth over here in the bar?” he stammered.
    Tom looked at him. “Why do you want to sit over here? A table is better for three people.”
    Doug placed his arm on Tom’s shoulder and turned him back toward the bar. “You don’t want to sit over there.”
    “Why not?”
    Doug nervously glanced past Tom’s shoulder. “Just trust me, you don’t.”
    Tom wrenched free of his grip. “What the hell is wrong with you tonight?” He turned his head and looked at the far end of the room where a large group was seated. His eyes narrowed when he spied his ex-wife in the group, laughing along with the others and sipping wine. “You’re right—I don’t.”
    “Sorry,” Doug apologized. “I had no idea…”
    Tom waved him off. “Don’t worry about it.” He looked at him. “But thanks. I appreciate it.”
    They squeezed into one of the booths and scanned the menus. Tom took a few breaths to get his pulse under control. I always knew we’d run into each other sometime, but I wasn’t ready for it. I’m sure she didn’t see me and I’ll just do some planned ignoring. Try to have a nice time and forget about it.
    He was absorbed in reading the menu when he heard Peggy speaking.
    “Well, this is a surprise.”
    Tom looked up and saw Jessica standing next to the table. He stood out of reflex.
    “Hi, Jessica.”
    She smiled tentatively. “Hi, Tom. Are we still speaking?”
    He peered into her soft eyes. “Of course. Won’t you sit down?”
    Jessica slid into the booth and Tom sat next to her. He looked at Peggy and Doug. “A surprise, huh?”
    Doug looked sheepish. “We thought you two needed another chance.”
    Tom looked at Jessica. “What do you think? Do we deserve a second chance?”
    “The question is, do I deserve one?”
    His face broke into a smile. “For what?” He placed his arm around her shoulder, leaned in close, then spoke in a low voice. “Do you suppose we could start over?”
    Her smile broadened. “I’d like that.”
    “So would I.” He addressed Doug and Peggy. “Would you excuse us?”
    He escorted Jessica through the rear-canopied entrance to the parking lot, then pulled her into a dark spot. He wrapped his arms around her, then kissed her deeply, inhaling her scent. Jessica rubbed the back of his neck and got more into their passionate embrace.
    Tom pulled away and peered into her eyes while caressing her cheek. “Jessica, I don’t want to take the place of someone you were in love with, and I’m not looking for a replacement, either. I’m

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