White Trash Beautiful

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Book: White Trash Beautiful by Teresa Mummert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Mummert
stop! You promised!” Tears poured down my face as I threw the flimsy rubber tubing at her.
    She flinched as if I were throwing a punch and rested her weight against the wood paneling behind her. “I’m sorry,” she slurred.
    Memories of my childhood flooded my thoughts.
    “I want to look like a princess!” I was excited.
    “Hold still, Cassie. Mommy can’t braid your hair if you keep squirming like a worm in your seat!”
    I giggled as Daddy walked in through the front door. “Daddy!” I jumped from the chair, steadying my balance before running into my father’s open arms. “Mommy is my fairy godmother and she’s going to make me look like a princess!”
    Mom laughed from behind me as my father set me back on the floor, groaning as he stretched his aching back from a long day of work atRichardson Automotive. He rubbed my head, messing up my freshly braided hair. “That’s nice, Cassie.” He made his way to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. He took a long sip and leaned back against the counter.
    “You get any housework done today or you too busy playing hairdresser?” he asked my mother coldly as he took another drink.
    She smiled down at me, smoothing my hair down. “I can make a good career out of hairdressin’. Women love to feel beautiful.”
    “Most women love to take care of their husbands.” He pushed from the counter and stepped in front of my mother, grabbing her arm in his free hand. She pulled back slightly, wincing at the pain. “Jessie said he saw you over at the grocery store talking to Robbie. You out sluttin’ around on me while I’m working hard to put food on the table?”
    “Robbie has just been wondering why he hasn’t seen us at church.”
    “Everyone knows what you’ve been doin’. You have no business talking to another man. You’re mine, remember? Or do I need to remind you again?”
    “Why don’t you go find your prettiest princess dress while Mommy cooks up a feast?” She bent down to eye level with me. I giggled nervously, sensing that something had made my father upset, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before running down the hallway to my bedroom to find my finest dress.
    “I’m sorry,” I heard her quietly sob as her words faded away, echoing in my memory.
    I suddenly felt sick. That look in her eye, that defeat that I remembered so clearly, suddenly became all too familiar. It was the same look I saw in the mirror every day.

    I BOLTED OUT THE front door. I couldn’t get to work fast enough. I rubbed the tears from my cheeks as I ran, my lungs burning. I stopped dead in my tracks as I reached the edge of the dirt lot.
    Tucker sat sideways leaning against his bike. I stopped, suddenly angry and unable to form any words. I was overwhelmed by the realization that I was reliving my mother’s life, following in the footsteps of her volatile relationship. I had become her without even realizing it. One thing I had learned from my mother’s mistakes was that I had no business talking to Tucker. I didn’t need Jax to remind me to whom I belonged. My feet began to move double time now. Tucker stood and waited for me to reach him. I pushed past his shoulder and headed for the diner.
    “What’s wrong?” He jogged to catch up to me.
    “Just go home, Tucker.” I wiped my eyes again.
    “Hey.” He grabbed my arm gently and I flinched as he made contact with the bruises. “Sorry. I’m sorry. Did he hurt you again? Cass, tell me if he hurt you. I will go take care of him right now. He won’t ever touch you again.”
    I stopped and took a minute to find my voice. “You hurt me.You do.” I poked him in the chest. “Why are you here? Is this fun for you, waltzing into my train wreck of a life and playing the hero?” I threw my hands up dramatically. “You like to see girls cryin’ and getting knocked around?” I didn’t like the idea of being someone’s guest of honor at a pity party. Looking at Tucker only reminded me of

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