Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)

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Book: Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1) by Teresa Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Greene
on Beth’s face as she scooted off the barstool and sashayed in the direction of the man.
    To keep from being recognized Grant grabbed a menu and placed it in front of his face. The click of her high heels on the tiled floor was loud as she walked only a breath from where he sat. She walked with purpose and determination.
    Only a few feet away, Grant heard Beth snap, “As I have told you before, leave my sister alone. You make me sick to my stomach. You can’t have everything you want, Randle.”
    Grant peeped to the side of the menu and saw Nina slip off the barstool. Nervous, she chewed on her bottom lip.
    “You look lovely tonight, Beth.” He let out a cruel laugh as his eyes roamed over her curvy body. “Let me guess. You are here to celebrate Nina’s birthday.” Quick as a flash, the man reached out and grabbed her hand. She tugged and pulled but he wouldn’t release his hold on her.
    Nina and Lacy sprinted to their sister’s side. In a calm voice, Nina replied, “It’s my birthday, Randle and we are out to celebrate. Please don’t ruin it with your heavy handed tactics. Now release my sister this minute and we’ll leave.”
    His eyes softened when he gazed up at Nina. “I know it’s your birthday, Nina. I called hoping to take you out, but you never return my calls.”
    “You know why I don’t return your calls. I will not give you false hope. You and I are finished.”
    “My apologies, Nina. The last thing I would do is ruin your night away from the farm.” He released his hold on Beth. “Please, the three of you stay and have a good time. The drinks are on me.”
    Randle stood and so did all the men at the table. His fingers grazed Nina’s cheek. “Happy birthday, my sweet.” From where he sat he saw her grit her teeth to keep from pulling away. He wondered what their story was. The man didn’t seem to be her type. But then women did like bad boys.
    Grant let out the breath he had been holding. For a moment he feared he would have to intervene. He relaxed as Randle and his thugs disappeared through the door.
    Nina placed her trembling hands over her face. Beth draped her arm over her shoulder and whispered, “I’m sorry. I assumed he would be at his establishment tonight. If I had known he was here tonight, I’d never suggested coming. Let’s go to Raleigh to celebrate your birthday.”
    Nina lifted her head and swiped at a tear. “I want to go home. I’m not in a partying mood.”
    Sitting close enough to reach out and touch them, Grant gripped the menu until his knuckles turned white. He waited until Beth led Nina through the exit door with her arm still draped over her shoulder, Lacy following behind before he motioned the raven haired waitress over. He grabbed one of the beers from her tray. Giving her a cheeky smile, he asked, “Do you have time for a break.”
    Excitement showed on her face before she slipped into the chair beside him. She slid in close, her thigh rubbing against his. “What’s your name?”
    “Well, Grant, my name is Sheila. What do you have in mind, handsome?”
    He placed a hundred on the table and answered, “Information.”
    She tucked the hundred into her bra pouting prettily. “Here I thought it was me you were interested in.”
    He provocatively raked his eyes over her. Dark eyes framed by long, jet, black lashes peered back at him. “Maybe another time, sweetheart. I’m in a bit of a rush. But I don’t see why I can’t come back another night and spend a little time with you.”
    Dimples popped out in both cheeks. “It’s a date. Now what information you lookin’ for?”
    He tilted his head toward the table where Randle and his goons were sitting. “The men that were sitting at that table earlier, who are they?”
    Suddenly nervous, she peered over her shoulder to make sure no one could hear their conversation. “One of them was Randle Collins. He owns The Red Diamond Bar in Raleigh.”
    Grant took a sip of his beer before

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