Where Is Henderson? (Sam Darling mystery #5)

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Book: Where Is Henderson? (Sam Darling mystery #5) by Jerilyn Dufresne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerilyn Dufresne
I turned to ask about that again, but was stopped by a microphoned throat clearing.
    “Ladies,” the voice continued. “Most of you know me. My name is Sue Ann Henderson, and I am the regional director for Improve Your Life.” Everyone in the room applauded as if this woman were responsible for all the good things that had happened in their lives. I looked around again and saw gargantuan smiles plastered on every face but mine and Coronation’s, who was still writing.
    Regional Director? What’s that about?
    My thoughts stopped as I looked at the speaker again. She was holding her hands with the palms facing down, indicating we should stop clapping and for those who’d stood up to be seated.
    A standing ovation for a Regional Director? Maybe I really should have read the flyer in my office before throwing it away.
    An expectant hush replaced the applause as Sue Ann Henderson continued with her section of the program. As it turned out, her section was merely to introduce the star of the show… er, workshop.
    “It’s trite to say that the person I’m introducing needs no introduction, but today it’s true.” The applause started again with a small ripple started by Coronation.
    “So, that’s part of your job?” I asked her, while a grin took over my face.
    She shrugged her shoulders, but smiled back at me.
    The applause ripple died down quickly as Sue Ann spoke again. “Louise Shannon is…” The ripple resumed again, this time without Coronation starting it. Sue Ann waited with a smile on her face until the room quieted again. “Louise Shannon is…” Again, the applause took on a life of its own. Finally, her smile wavering a bit, Sue Ann tried a different tactic. “Our speaker is…” and it worked.
    She began again. “Our speaker is someone we all know and love.” My immediate thought was, I don’t know her and I certainly don’t love her.
    Sue Ann continued, “She’s the reason we are all here.” Applause. Suddenly I felt like I was at a political convention. Everyone clapping and standing at everything.
    “It’s going to be a long day,” I said aloud.
    “Yep,” said Coronation. “Yep.”
    Her response surprised me. While Sue Ann kept talking, I asked, “How long have you worked for Louise Shannon?”
    “A few weeks.”
    “Is this your first workshop?”
    “Yes, but don’t tell anyone. I want to appear ‘knowledgeable and at ease.’” The last words were recited as if she read them from her job description.
    “Are you from Henderson?” I asked.
    She only nodded because the deafening roar of a few hundred women would have drowned out any words she might have said.
    I must have missed the last part of Sue Ann’s introduction because when I tried to look at the stage all I saw were the backs of the attendees. Coronation and I were the only ones not standing. I quickly joined the throng, but Coronation stayed seated, still writing in her notebook. I guessed “standing ovations” were not on her job description.
    Even though I stood, I still couldn’t get a good look at the person on the stage. Being short certainly wasn’t an advantage. Finally the applause slowed and bit by bit the audience returned to seated positions.
    Sue Ann had already stepped off the stage and in her place stood a strikingly beautiful woman who resembled the picture on the flyer. Some people looked better in person. Louise Shannon was one of them. Her shoulder-length black hair looked like it had been plastered into submission, but at any moment could spring to life on its own. The effect was a good one, however.
    “Welcome,” she said. Her voice dripped like butter off the stage. Maybe butter mixed with honey, it was that sweet. I found myself hanging on that one word, waiting for the applause to stop, so I could hear more from her.
    “Welcome,” she said again when the applause subsided. Her smile held me, and coupled with her delicious voice, I had no choice but to hang onto the word. “I’m

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