When Dove Cries

Read Online When Dove Cries by Beth D. Carter - Free Book Online

Book: When Dove Cries by Beth D. Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth D. Carter
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
    “I’m glad,” she murmured, so softly even she wasn’t sure if she’d said anything. “I’m so glad you’re with me.”
    “So are we, Dove,” Cade told her. “Now, close your eyes, baby. Get some rest.”
    She drifted into sleep and dreamed of both men loving her body.

Chapter Nine
    The new doctor came in to check her one last time the next morning and declared she could go home. The bandages on her wrists would still have to be changed because she had to keep the area moist with antibiotic ointment, but that was something minor. So the nurse took over pulling her IV line out of her arm, calling in her medications to the pharmacy downstairs and getting her discharge papers together. Dove knew that meant someone in billing would be coming to talk to her.
    Allis and North showed up, along with Nimrod and another Red Wolves brother named Branch. Allis carried a bag of clothes she had picked up from Wal-Mart. Dove couldn’t help the quick tears that gathered in her eyes at the kind gesture. She’d never really had a girlfriend before, and Dove couldn’t help hugging Allis.
    She took a shower with the nurse’s help since she couldn’t get her bandages wet and used the products in her little gift basket before donning the new clothes. They were just sweats, a T-shirt and cheap sneakers, but they felt so nice that Dove couldn’t imagine winning the lottery could feel any better. When she stepped out of the bathroom, Cade gave a whistle of appreciation while Draven just smiled, his white teeth flashing.
    “I’m glad it all fits,” Allis said, clapping her hands happily.
    A knock sounded at the door, and a woman dressed in a dark suit and sensible, low heels poked her head inside.
    “Hello,” she greeted. “I’m with billing. I was wondering if I could talk to Ms. Aldrin?”
    Dove bit her lip. “I’m Dove Aldrin.”
    “I was wondering if you have an insurance card or if you can provide an address—”
    “Bill the Red Wolves,” North said.
    Dove gasped and turned toward him. “But—”
    “Do you have insurance?” Draven asked her.
    “No,” she replied. “But you can’t possibly pay my bill here.”
    “I told you I’d take care of you,” he said.
    “We,” Cade added. He looked at North. “I can help as well.”
    North nodded. “Done. Now that that’s settled, let’s get the discharge papers and take you home. I bet you’re all looking forward to not sleeping in chairs.”
    The billing woman frowned, looking around as if confused, but Nimrod opened the door and practically shooed her out. Without a doubt, Dove owed the Red Wolves so much her head was spinning. She looked around at the people in her room, and a rush of emotions shot through her. It had been a long time since she’d been part of something meaningful. The brotherhood Draven spoke of appealed to her. She missed being with people who cared.
    Hospital rules stated that she had to leave in a wheelchair, so about an hour later, she was being wheeled down, unable to stop grinning. It felt so good to be leaving, to be moving on from this painful chapter in her past, although she wasn’t naïve enough to believe she could just ignore what had happened. She still hadn’t given her deposition to the sheriff.
    The nurse waved goodbye as Cade pushed Dove down the hallway to the elevator. North, Allis, Branch and Nimrod followed. Draven had left a few minutes before to bring the truck around. Branch and Nimrod would be driving Cade and Draven’s bikes back to the clubhouse.
    The elevator doors opened, and Dr. Blake stood there waiting. He stepped out and nodded to Dove. She hadn’t seen him since she’d requested a new physician to take over her healthcare.
    “I knew you were leaving, so I wanted to stop by and wish you well,” he said quietly. In his hand, he clutched a paper bag. He held it out to her. “Inside is some extra gauze and ointment for your wrists.”
    “Thank you,” Dove replied, taking

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