What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1)

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Book: What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1) by Sasha Moore, Anita Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Moore, Anita Cox
daughter of R&B legend Amaretta Preston.  When the young singer practically skipped from the room, Cerise’s card firmly in her grasp, Ceri turned to Frank.
    “Looks like you’ve done it again, my friend,” she grinned and gave him a high five.
    “Looks like we’ve done it again,” Frankie returned, scooping her up into a bear hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
    “Indeed,” she agreed, laughing at the co-owner’s exuberance.  She squeezed his arm affectionately on her way out. “You’ll be hearing from me,” she promised, entirely unaware of the lone figure observing from the shadows.
    “So, where are we with New Starters?” Blake peered over Cerise’s shoulder at the spreadsheet on her computer.
    “I sent you the spreadsheet,” she reminded him, simultaneously amused and annoyed.
    “Yes, you did,” he agreed, squinting a bit to see the screen, “and it’s so full of your own secret codes and terms for things, that I can’t make heads or tails of it.  Can’t we come up with a plan to standardize this stuff somehow?”
    “Blake Hamilton, you know very well that there are standard ways and terms that everyone in the industry uses, but we are NOT everyone in the industry.  We are different.  If we do things the same way that everyone else does, we’ll have the same results that they do, and I don’t know about you, but I’m quite content to do things my way and kick their asses every month,” she replied archly.
    “Point taken,” Blake agreed, nodding and giving up easily. “Just generate some kind of report for me that’s intelligible enough to let me know what’s going on, please,” he instructed, placing his hands casually on her shoulders.  Subtly shaking him off, she turned her chair so that she was facing him.
    “Will that be all, Mr. Hamilton?” she asked coolly, dismissing him.
    He paused, seemed to assess her carefully before responding. “For now,” he said with a slight smile that Cerise interpreted as being suggestive.  When he left the office, she let her head fall into her hand.  She did not need the complications or distraction of an affair with Blake Hamilton, whether his wife cared or not.  Liking him and fucking him had not been a part of her plan, and now, more than ever, she needed to maintain her focus.  She was thrilled that he had bought her explanation as to why she kept her records and figures deliberately obscure, and was relieved that he didn’t suspect a thing.  Odd as it may seem, it was much easier to keep industry mogul, Blake Hamilton, in check than it was his fortune-coveting wife.  Thoughts of Constance Hamilton prompted Cerise to firmly shut her door and pick up the phone.
    “Garrett…do you have anything for me?” she asked, tapping her pen on her desk blotter absently.  Whatever response she received caused a slow, triumphant grin to spread across the perfect bone structure of her face. “Perfect,” she glanced at her diamond watch. “I’ll see you in 40 minutes.”
    Knowledge is power.  Cerise Preston had known that from a young age, and embraced the concept as a part of her everyday reality.  Thankful that she had friends in a variety of industries which allowed her access to information that she wouldn’t have had otherwise, Cerise left the office of longtime friend Garrett Wilson clutching a large envelope securely in her grasp, with a grim smile of determination.  Nothing was going to deter her from her goals, and anyone who tried to stand in her way would be treated as a liability.  One thing that countless folks had learned over the years is that you absolutely did not want Cerise Preston to view you as a liability.  It wasn’t pretty, and it generally wouldn’t end well for you.

Chapter 13
    Cerise decided that since she had what she considered to be a major breakthrough today in eliminating some of the obstacles standing in the way of her takeover of BVR, she’d treat herself to some quality alone time. 

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