What We Learned Along the Way
tube top with
some 4 inch heels. Aliya dried her hands and then turned to the two
    “Enjoy the rest of the show. I know I will,”
she said right before she walked out of the bathroom. She burst
into laughter as soon as she turned the corner. She knew the women
could hear her, at least she hoped they could.
    After the play, Langston took Aliya to a
beautiful French restaurant. The two of them laughed at the story
about the women from the bathroom.
    “I’m sure you get stuff like that all the
time,” Langston said.
    “Not so much anymore. I thought I left all
that petty stuff in high school.” She tried to find a way to
transition into the “past relationship” talk, but she couldn’t
think of any other way to do it than to just come out and ask.
    “So, Langston, tell me about your last
relationship,” she finally said, trying not to sound as nervous as
she was.
    “About that,” he said. “Aliya, I have
something to tell you.

Chapter 10- Malikah
    Malikah wished she hadn’t rushed out of the
mall the day she saw Muhammad. Maybe if she had stayed and bought
something, she would feel a little more confident about meeting
    “I can’t believe I let you talk me into
this,” she said to Mariam as they drove.
    “You said you want to get married. How do you
expect to do that if you don’t get out and meet some men?” Mariam
asked. “Once Rashad and I get married and start our family, I won’t
have time to find men for you. You better take advantage now,” she
said, smiling at her engagement ring. She couldn’t believe she
finally had it.
    “Yea, you’re right. I do need to meet more
men. So did you call him and tell him about me?”
    “Not exactly. I thought that might be weird,
so I just told him to meet me at the track at Hallow Park. I told
him I was bringing a friend.”
    “The track? Why are we meeting at the track?”
Malikah asked suspiciously.
    “I told you he likes to run. It’s a workout
date. I figure I can introduce you two and then say something came
up and I have to leave. The two of you can stay.”
    “Mariam, you know I hate running, and I’m not
even dressed to work out!”Malikah complained.
    “Don’t worry about that. I brought you a cute
outfit. I wish you would just trust me. Everything will be
    Mariam pulled up and parked across the street
from the track. She didn’t see Isaiah yet, so she took Malikah to
the bathroom to get changed.
    “Does Rashad know about all this?” Malikah
yelled over the top of the bathroom stall.
    “No, you know how he is. Things are great
between us right now and I don’t want to give him another reason to
get angry. Besides, I’m doing this for you. It’s not like I’m
trying to talk to him.”
    Malikah walked out in a blue and white track
suit that fit her perfectly. Mariam thought she looked great.
    “Isaiah is going to love you,” she said,
clapping her hands with excitement. The two of them walked over to
the track and immediately saw Isaiah stretching on the steps.
    “Is that him?” Malikah asked.
    “Yep. I did good, didn’t I,” Mariam said,
obviously proud of herself.
    “He’s gorgeous. Are you sure he’s single?”
Malikah could feel herself getting nervous.
    “I don’t know much about him, but he gave me
his number, so, I assume so.”
    The two of them walked over to greet Isaiah.
He was even cuter than Mariam remembered. With the sun shining on
his vanilla-colored skin, he looked like an athletic statue.
    “Salaam, Isaiah. This is my friend, Malikah,
I was telling you about. Isn’t she cute?” Mariam said. Malikah just
smiled and hoped the embarrassment didn’t show through. She
couldn’t believe Mariam said that.
    “Wa alaikum salaam, Mariam, and yeah, she is
pretty cute,” he said, turning to Malikah to give her a warm smile.
“So what did you have in mind for our workout today?” he asked.
    “Malikah here is a beginner, so we want to
start with some basics.” Malikah was embarrassed

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