What a Bear Wants

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Book: What a Bear Wants by Nikki Winter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Winter
    “You’re so cruel!” Maddox focused those gorgeous irises on her. “Do you see this? Do you see how I’m all alone in the world, no one to comfort me?”
    “Except for our parents and a shitload of relatives.” Ransom murmured.
    Cree could feel her eyes water a little when he turned on his brother, bellowing, “Quiet evil bastard!”
    “I’m not gonna be too many more names aside from my own today...”
    Ignoring the male behind him, Maddox put his sad gaze back to her. “You look like a giving person—”
    “I’m not.” She tried cutting in.
    “—Maybe you can comfort me since there is clearly no affection here.” Maddox waved a hand to his sibling who was now staring off through the doors, probably hoping Fallon would storm past again. “Then I can regain the self-confidence lost through years of abuse...and several maiming.”
    Oh he was just so fucking cute. With a smile, Cree motioned for him to get closer and he did. Pressing her mouth to his ear she whispered, “I like the way your face looks. And I’m sure several others do too because it’s pretty. But if you piss me off, I’ll make that a distant sorely missed, memory. Tuck your cock away and swing it at another female desperate for your attention, bear. Or I’ll rip it off and beat you into traction with it. Do I make myself clear?”
    He stood straight, blinking. “Well aren’t you adorably homicidal?” His leer returned. “I like it.”
    Cree sighed. Something told her that the McKenna brothers being here could go wonderfully for everyone involved...or Fallon could have one of her episodes. Looking at both grizzlies now, clued her in one the fact that it could truly go either way.
    She needed to run. Far. Far. Away. But it didn't matter how far she went, she could still feel his eyes running over her, still hear that voice, still smell the scent clinging to his skin. Jesus H. what was wrong with her?!
    Fallon passed several wolves, bears, and cats as she took off into the surrounding woods, seeking out peace and quiet the only way she knew how. She found herself intrigued with Ransom and it needed to be cut down, smothered, before the fascination grew into something that she couldn’t control.
    The way he looked at her...threw her off. Most males either wouldn’t meet her gaze or stared at her with a slight look of abject horror once they found out who she was. Apparently, Fallon had a reputation. One that she hadn’t been too eager to tamp down on. She wasn’t alpha of her pack because she spent time baking cookies and kissing babies. She was alpha because when she needed to be, she was a bitch. A cold, stone-hearted, emotionless bitch. Every move Fallon made was for the good of her pack. If it didn’t result in the ultimate well-being of herself or those she looked out for, it was killed.
    What she’d felt when she’d touched Ransom hours ago didn’t seem like it would be for the ultimate well-being of herself or those she looked out for...so it had to die. She’d allow him and Maddox to enjoy their stay at Wilder Lodge, carefully keeping under the radar while they were on her land, and when it was time for them to leave she’d welcome the sight of that grizzly walking away. Because something told her that if she gave him the slightest opportunity, Ransom McKenna would show her exactly what she’d neglected to let herself feel over the last few years. And that couldn’t happen.
              “Alright, I’m just gonna say it,” Maddox stated, standing in the middle of Ransom’s cabin, eyes focused on the amazing detail put into the structure. “This place is fucking amazing.”
              It was. So far Ransom had been shown the biking trails, the Hanging Lake, the golf course, tennis courts, clubhouse with indoor and outdoor pools, the hunting range where the Wilder pack had not only three breeds of deer but also moose and herds of boar, a few restaurants, small shops

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