We All Fall Down

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Book: We All Fall Down by Peter Barry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Barry
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lot of money for our clients, you know.’ John King was leaning in towards him, hands clasped on the edge of the table, an annoying, meaningless smile on his face, like a naughty kid who knows it’s irritating its elders.
    How come he looks so damned innocent? ‘Exactly. That’s my point.’ He tapped the top of the table with his forefinger, like a conductor’s baton on the podium, trying to summon his thoughts to order. The sound resonated in the empty concert hall that was his head. ‘You make so much money for yourselves, you just have to be ripping off your clients. You have to be. It’s not possible to make that much money without ripping someone off.’
    â€˜But it is, Hugh. We make a lot of money for our clients, so I don’t think we can be – as you put it – ripping them off at the same time.’ He was like one of those dogs that you kick, and it keeps on coming back for more, wagging its tail, whining plaintively, sidling up to you in a gross parody of devoted subservience.
    â€˜You trot out all those meaningless phrases, “In need of some TLC –”’ He was losing the thread of his argument, if he’d ever had one, and he was finding it hard to concentrate.
    â€˜What’s wrong with that?’
    â€˜Because you mean … what you actually mean is that the place is falling apart. So why not say that – why not tell the truth?’
    â€˜No one would turn up then and, if it was your house we were selling, you wouldn’t be too happy about that.’
    â€˜I’d be happy if you told the truth.’
    â€˜Is that what you do in advertising?’
    â€˜It is.’
    â€˜You’re unusual, in that case, mate. And, sorry, but I’m not sure that I believe you.’
    He stared into his glass of wine, hoping to discover there the thread that would allow him to continue his argument. Jodie leant across and patted her partner’s hand. ‘What are you two discussing so earnestly?’
    â€˜I think Hugh’s telling me I make too much money.’
    How fucking condescending, he thought, treating me like I’m some kid who’s stepped out of line.
    Jodie said, ‘But you do, darling, and isn’t that wonderful!’
    Hugh saw that his wife was frowning at him, but he was in no mood to be silenced.
    â€˜Oh I think it’s wonderful what John does,’ he said in an effusive, overly sincere voice. ‘I’m full of admiration for someone who’s clever enough to make so much money by selling the great Australian dream.’
    â€˜And jealous, too, by the sounds of it,’ Kate chipped in.
    â€˜Undoubtedly, darling. Who wouldn’t be?’ And he looked around the table with as big a smile as he could muster, but no one returned it, so it must have failed to impress.
    â€˜I think we should go to bed, John. I don’t know about you two, but we’re both tired. It’s been a hard week.’ And Jodie turned to her man for corroboration. He nodded, and they rose from the table. Hugh was a little surprised by the abrupt departure of their guests, yet was still sufficiently sober to appreciate the importance of getting to bed and falling asleep without exchanging one word with his wife. Somehow, he managed to achieve this.
    The next day, after a leisurely breakfast that, for Hugh, involved drinking lots of coffee and reading the weekend papers, it was decided they’d all go for a walk on the beach. Hugh claimed there was still some DIY to be done before the end of the weekend, so he was excused. It struck him that everyone seemed quite happy he wouldn’t be joining them, although his son tried to persuade him to change his mind. ‘If you build a sandcastle for me, Timmy, I’ll be able to see it from up at the house.’ He listened to their voices and laughter become more distant, the sounds pulsing strong then faint, turned up and down by a gusting wind

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