Wave of Memories: The Sons of the Zodiac

Read Online Wave of Memories: The Sons of the Zodiac by Addison Fox - Free Book Online

Book: Wave of Memories: The Sons of the Zodiac by Addison Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Addison Fox
pressed his lips to hers, convinced of her rejection even as he hoped for her acquiescence.
    When her mouth opened to him, greeting his kiss with an answering response of her own, he leaned in and swooped her up in his arms.
    And took a large step toward their future.

    Aidan settled her on the bed and came down over her, his weight supported on his forearms. With another hard, searing kiss, he made love to her with his mouth. Long, lazy moments stretched out as they touched and took, remembered and rediscovered.
    Meg felt the feather-light touches along her stomach as Aidan lifted her blouse once more. His beautiful hands roamed over her, seeking, questing.
    “I want to see you,” his words were whispered against her jaw as he rained kisses from just below her ear and down her neck. Urgency strained his voice. “Please let me see you once more.”
    Meg gave herself up to the moment, no longer caring if they should stop. “Yes.”
    He pulled her forward, then gathered the material at her waist and dragged it over her head. The brief urge to cover herself—to shy away from the adoration that filled his deep blue gaze—vanished when he brushed his hands over her. Meg felt an answering tug deep inside as her body came to life after so many long, lonely years.
    Face-to-face, they sat opposite each other. Aidan reached behind her and unhooked her bra, running his hands over her as the thin, silky material slipped to the floor. She watched, unable to tear her gaze away as his large hands covered each breast, his long slender fingers roving in tight circles over her nipples.
    Sensation arrowed through her as a lazy pleasure began to build at her center. Her head fell back when his mouth replaced his hands and his quick and clever tongue mimicked the same circle against one breast while he continued to touch the other.
    Meg reveled in his ministrations, the satisfaction of finally being in his arms after so long away only adding to the impossible joy of the moment.
    “You feel terribly overdressed,” she whispered against the soft hair at his temple. When he lifted his head from her breast, his wicked smile held a world of promise.
    “So just what do you plan on doing about that?”
    Meg didn’t need any further encouragement. Reaching for the hem of his T-shirt, she dragged it up over the thick muscles of his chest, on past the heavy, curved roundness of his biceps and shoulders. Flames seared her as her fingers brushed his skin and with deliberate movements she dropped the T-shirt before seeking more of that delicious heat.
    The muscles of his stomach quivered under her touch as her fingers danced over flesh, but it was the unmistakable groan of need she heard when she dipped lower, past the waistband of his jeans, to where his cock pressed against the heavy zipper.
    “Touch me,” Aidan whispered against her mouth as his hand moved unerringly to cover hers.
    “Yes.” She couldn’t stop the answering response as her fingers closed around the hard, heavy length.
    With their lips still joined, Meg slid her tongue around his as she ran her hands over the smooth skin of his penis, tracing the underside before moving back around to the thick crown. Without thinking, she reprised her movements of more than two thousand years ago, her sense memories of what gave him pleasure filling in the gaps of time as if they’d never been apart.
    “Oh baby,” he groaned as she used the beaded wetness at the tip to add silky moisture to the increasing speed of her touch.
    Lost in Aidan, Meg barely felt it when he undid the button at her waist. It was only when he was dragging her to her side so they lay face-to-face did she feel his fingers skim the edge of her thin panties before he slid one inside to trace the line of her slit.
    A wanton wave of pleasure assailed her and she fumbled briefly, her hand fisting his cock even harder than she intended.
    With his free hand, Aidan stilled her movements, his breath

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