
Read Online Watchdog by Laurien Berenson - Free Book Online

Book: Watchdog by Laurien Berenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurien Berenson
Tags: Suspense
flurry of excited barking, no doubt meant to inform me that she’d found my missing son and I no longer needed to worry. When I opened the door, she flew out of the Volvo and threw herself at him. Then she noticed Tar, who’d come tumbling out of the Blazer behind Davey, and stiffened.
    Faith had met the puppy at the show, but that was neutral territory. This was her house, and she wanted to make sure everybody knew it, especially any furry little interlopers with big eyes and clumsy feet. She cuffed him once with a front paw and growled just to set matters straight. Obligingly Tar lowered his head and adopted a submissive position.
    â€œAll right,” I said to Faith. “He’s just a baby. Lay off.”
    She gave me that innocent “Who me?” look, that all dogs perfect the first time they pee on the floor as puppies.
    â€œYes, you,” I told her.
    Faith lowered her front end to the ground and lifted up her hindquarter, tail wagging, a classic invitation to play. Tar accepted by leaping to his feet. Together, they ran across the yard.
    â€œI guess that’s settled.” Sam kept an eye on them while I unlocked the door. “Too bad, people can’t be that sensible.”
    We ushered the Poodles through the house and into the fenced backyard, then unloaded the car. Davey was angling for Sam to try out a new Nintendo game with him; I was hoping Sam would spend some time with me. The only thing we agreed upon was that we were all ravenous.
    By way of a compromise, the two of them played video games while I threw dinner together. Threw being the operative word. I found a loaf of French bread in the freezer, and lettuce and tomatoes in the crisper. The rest of the spaghetti dinner came mostly from boxes and cans, but what the hell. When I was finished you could hardly tell. Sam, gentleman that he is, never mentioned a word.
    Davey usually goes to bed early after he’s spent the day at a dog show. All the activity wears him out, and since he had school the next morning, I was happy to opt for a quick story and turn out the lights. Faith climbed up on the bed, turned two circles, then lay down beside him. I rubbed her muzzle and she sighed softly. Before I’d even reached the door, all four eyes were shut.
    When I got back downstairs, Sam was in the kitchen finishing the dishes. Tar was sprawled in a boneless heap at his feet.
    Coming up from behind, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. “You didn’t have to do that.”
    â€œWhy wouldn’t I?”
    I lifted my head. “What do you mean?”
    Sam plucked a dishcloth off the counter and dried his hands. “I think we should talk.”
    That sounded ominous. Maybe it was my imagination. “Sure. What do you want to talk about?”
    Sam took my hand and led the way into the living room. We sat down on the couch. I decided to take the hand holding as a good sign. But as he turned to face me, I wondered why he looked so serious.
    â€œI love you, Melanie.”
    My breath caught in my throat. Sam had never said those words before. I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear them.
    I cared for Sam deeply. I knew we were a good match. That was as much as I’d allowed myself to feel, and it was enough. More than enough.
    I’d been in love before. I’d experienced that heady rush that makes your feet float above the ground, and blinds you to all but the best possibilities. And I’d lived through the long hard fall that came when it ended.
    I squeezed his hand, but didn’t speak. I couldn’t quite think what I wanted to say.
    Sam gazed down at our joined fingers. “You know how I feel about Davey. He’s terrific. But what we’re doing now isn’t working. It isn’t enough. You’re here, I’m in Redding. It feels like we talk on the phone more often than we see one another. Between your job, my job, the travel, the Poodles

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