Was it Good for You Too?

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Book: Was it Good for You Too? by Naleighna Kai Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naleighna Kai
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going on?” Shannon asked, slapping Nona some skin. “You throwing shade in the game?”
    Brenda tugged Tailan’s sleeve and said, “Tell them the truth, baby.”
    Tailan looked to Beverly, Brenda, and Joyce, then to Les and Fran. They saw it too—they understood.
    She turned and stared into everyone’s eyes. Once all attention was on her again, she revealed, “The manager doesn’t want us here. He made it ugly clear that, in his words, ‘our kind’ aren’t welcome in his store.” Tailan moved up the aisle and stopped in the middle of the bus. “I didn’t anticipate this on a tour in the heart of America. But that sicko manager out there was more than willing to remind me that right now we are ‘red-neck’ deep in Klan Country.”
    â€œAre you saying they didn’t want us up in there ‘cause we’re Black?” Pam asked.
    The gasps that followed that question were expected.
    â€œYes. I had to get you all out,” Tailan replied. “Your safety will always be my first concern.”
    The silence was heartbreaking. Tailan looked out of the window. “All hope is not lost. I want everyone to look outside. See those people out there?”
    All gazes focused on the right side of the bus.
    â€œThat crowd is here for you. People, mostly White people, came to buy your books, and we’re not going to disappoint your new fans.”
    Soon everyone’s attention was back on Tailan.
    â€œBut what choice do we have?” Lorna asked, her caramel face peppered with concern.
    Tailan blew out a long, slow breath. “I say we take a page from the late great E. Lynn Harris and pop the trunk.”
    Understanding instantly dawned in The Vets’ eyes.
    A few smiles spread on the faces of M-LAS authors, who were familiar with the man’s success and the way he had gone from self-published author to New York Times bestseller.
    J. L., the youngest of the group, perked up, grinning from ear-to-ear. “So we’re gonna sell the books right off the bus?”
    â€œDamn straight,” Tailan said, smiling at the fact that the youngster had peeped the plan too. She winked at him, and he practically beamed.
    â€œNow, that’s what I’m talking about,” he said, giving Lorna, Susan, Tanishia, and Pam a high five before traveling up the aisle to do the same with The Vets, Candy, Valarie, Janice, Martha, D. J., and even the most quiet member of the tour, Malcolm.
    Excited chatter and murmurs meant everyone was feeling Tailan’s Plan B.
    Well, almost everyone.
    â€œI ain’t selling my books like I’m some bootleg chick,” Nona snapped.
    Shannon scowled and added, “Naw, ain’t happenin’.”
    â€œNope,” Chanel joined in, settling back into the seat and folding her arms across her bosom. Traci nodded and mimicked her friend’s action.
    â€œThen stay your raggedy butts on the bus,” Tailan shot back. “Either way works for me.”
    Beverly Jenkins stood, faced Nona and her crew, pushed the glasses up on her nose, and said, “I wasn’t going to say anything, but …”

Chapter 9
    Delvin was jonesing for some popcorn right about now. This was about to get gooood . The Vets were all business. All had paid their dues with years of literary challenges and triumphs. He looked over to Tailan, whose grip on the edge of the seat meant she was bracing herself for what the spicy Vet would have to say.
    His eyes darted to Beverly Jenkins and all he could think was, uh oh.
    Delvin knew that look. His mother would give him one of those from time to time when he had the nerve to try her. Didn’t work for him then, and it looked like The Divas were about to feel the wrath that lingered behind that look.
    Beverly squared her shoulders, leveled a furious glare at Nona and went for the jugular. “This woman has been putting up with your bullshit for the past two

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