Was it Good for You Too?

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Book: Was it Good for You Too? by Naleighna Kai Read Free Book Online
Authors: Naleighna Kai
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minutes later, Tailan was back on the bus with the authors and her team. She needed to think fast and act even faster. These authors deserved a chance to shine, and she would give it to them.
    The Vets took a long, hard look at Tailan, then one by one looked out to the men who had given Tailan a hard time and shook their heads. Several fans that were standing near the entrance were pointing in the bus’ direction and were stunned speechless by the abrupt departure of the authors. Tailan was losing valuable time to turn this around.
    Her mind was awhirl with thoughts. Shotguns. Media coverage would not be enough. She closed her eyes and stilled her mind, and an answer became clear. She whipped out her cell again. This time she dialed the police.
    Tailan waved her hand to order the bus to quiet down as she said, “We have several celebrities on site, and the crowd’s getting out of control,” she told the dispatcher. “Can you send over some escorts right away?” She gave the location and ended the call, then turned to find Delvin standing right behind her.
    â€œWhat’s the plan, baby?” he said, sweeping a glance towards the angry men in front of the entrance. “I know you have one. Let me know what you need.”
    Her heart swelled at the vote of confidence. “Give me a minute. I’ll need to clue everyone in at the same time.”
    Tailan snagged the attention of her key people by yelling, “Support team—to me, now!” Within ten seconds, her staff was huddled up in a semi-circle surrounding her at the front of the bus. “All of you have your iPads, right?”
    â€œRight,” they chorused.
    â€œDownload the credit card processing software.” They whipped out their equipment and Tailan gave them the login and password to use, then slid an American Express card to Derek and a company Visa card to Elona. “I need you,” she said, pointing to Derek and Michelle, “to go back to the Woodland on Wade Drive and buy every copy of our authors’ books they have in stock.”
    â€œDone!” Derek said.
    â€œYou three,” she said, gesturing to Elona, Terry, and Karyn. “hit the Woodland near Route 30 right off the expressway. If there’s any problem, just tell them we’ll restock everything by tomorrow.”
    â€œCool,” Karyn replied with a quick few keystrokes on the iPad. “We’ll call the stores and have the books waiting for pickup at customer service so we don’t have to wait.”
    Tailan grinned. “Good thinking.”
    Derek nodded, letting her know that he would do the same.
    â€œI need you all back here in twenty minutes.”
    Derek looked at everyone and said, “Time to make it rain, people.”
    The five of them sprang into action. Michelle skirted around Tailan and was right on Derek’s heels. Their cars peeled out in record time.
    The second their cars cleared the parking lot, Tailan turned to the authors.
    â€œCan I have your attention please?” She started and all eyes locked on her. “I want—”
    â€œWhy did we have to leave? What’s going on?” The authors were jumpy, and a flurry of questions shot her way. Soon roars of excited voices volleyed back and forth, making it impossible for her to answer. All were in an uproar except The Vets, who were leaned into each other in a private conference.
    Tailan held up her hand to silence them. Voices trickled to a halt.
    â€œI apologize for the inconvenience,” she said, making eye contact with as many authors as possible. “But things here weren’t set up quite right.”
    â€œBullshit!” Shannon shot back, causing a few murmurs of agreement from the other divas.
    Nona rocked her neck. “The books were there.”
    â€œThe tables were there,” Chanel added, mimicking Nona’s movements. “So what’s really up, chick?”
    â€œYeah, what’s really

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