Warrior Chronicles 4: Warrior's Wrath

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Book: Warrior Chronicles 4: Warrior's Wrath by Shawn Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shawn Jones
turn in surprise at the wolves’ appearance. While the monkeys stared in shock and Kim struggled with the enemy that held her arms, Cort jumped to the pile of armor and grabbed the bastard sword she had given him years before. He continued the motion of drawing it from the scabbard attached to the back of his CONDOR, turning it into a smooth, wide arc that showed just how much the years of training had benefitted him. The blade made contact with the ape that was now missing two of its arms, slicing cleanly through its body, leaving even more pieces that could never be put back together. It continued on, powered by the spin of Cort’s body, and made contact with the doubled over creature he had kneed. Once that monkey’s head was falling to the ground, Cort brought the blade close to his own body and closed the distance between himself and the leader of the small group of invaders.
    The human’s movements were simply too fast and too precise to be stopped. Marek looked at his senior and watched the blade emerge from his back, travel up his body, and split the ape’s head in two. Marek had barely registered the three deaths before the human was moving toward him. The, wolves, he remembered the creatures were called, were at the throats of two of his fellows, then two more. He let go of the female human and tried to draw his own weapon, but couldn’t even touch it before the one called Addison severed both of his arms and cut the holster from his body. The weapon fell to the ground and discharged, its spherical glass round going through Addison’s leg, but not before Marek himself saw his own death as the blade reversed its downward arc and cut through his abdomen almost laterally. As the life drained from his eyes, his only consolation was that the human would die too.
    Kim had not wasted her time. The moment the great animal let go of her, she dove toward the clothes she and Cort had left beside the small pond and retrieved her own weapon. Like many of the firearms Cort had brought from the past, Kim’s five-shot revolver had been modified to fire a variety of rounds. When she was on Solitude, Kim kept it loaded with carbon fiber razors. The small rounds left the barrel of the weapon a small mass, but on impact they spread out to two centimeters, their carbon fiber latticework shredding everything in its path until they came to a stop inside their target.
    Lifting the weapon she fired at the nearest of the remaining two enemies. Before the first creature could react, its own yellow lifeblood was poured from the opening Kim had created in its chest. The last one had time to draw its weapon before Kim turned on it, but had gravely misjudged the situation, thinking Cort was the only threat. As he took aim at the oversized male, the undersized female fired two rounds into his side. The impacts caused his aim to be off, and his shot hit the rock near Cort’s head. The dust from the sphere’s impact peppered Cort’s neck, face and scalp with chips of granite and glass dust. Cort collapsed to his knees.
    Kim did a full turn with her weapon raised before dropping to Cort’s side. “Are you okay?”
    “There’s something in their ammunition. My leg is going numb. Not gunshot numb, numb like it’s rotting. Get a tourniquet on it.”
    “Oh gods.” Kim reached over to the nearest corpse, grabbing the belt from its holster so she could tie it around Cort’s leg. It would be four hours before the shuttle would arrive in the system, and without its equipment, they had no way to figure out what the poison was.  As she tightened the strap around his thigh, she said, “Give me all of your symptoms.”
    “Numbness right now, but it’s heading for paralysis. What does it look like?”
    Kim was surprised by the question and looked at Cort’s face. Oh fuck . “Your face is messed up again, baby.”
    “Yeah. I think I took some poison there too.” Cort said.
    “Baby, as much as I want to sometimes, I cannot put a

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