Warlord's Invasion (Starfight Book 1)
during the last recruitment drive less than a year ago. Meerlat was a new system, whose marine detachment came from one of the core worlds as well as from the native colonists.
    Everyone positioned around him wore the same exoskeleton armor. They looked like mean killing machines.
    His position on top of a hospital wasn’t much for cover, but it allowed him to see everything within a mile. Not that he needed the direct line of sight, however. His datafeed allowed him to see through all the cameras from every aerial recon probe around the city.
    From the probe data, his computer would naturally update the position of enemy units on the map that displayed inside his helmet. And when the time came, his recon probes would fight the enemy’s recon probes if they had them. He didn’t know if the enemy used recon probes like humans did or had sensor technology that circumvented them altogether.
    “Do you think Bajor City will survive this, sarge?” Private Dawson asked.
    “We survived everything so far, Dawson. It doesn’t look like the enemy wants our civilians dead or they would have nuked us hours ago.” Kubersly returned his attention toward one of his helmet’s displays. At this very moment, he could see those giant hundred meter long alien dropships falling from the sky outside the city.
    When they reached the ground, they slowed until they were hovering. Then, they smoothly landed onto the soil using their abundant black insect legs. They didn’t waste a second before opening up their hatches and deploying their ground units out of those black buglike drop ships. Soon, he saw them...their vehicles, their infantry, their aerial fighters, everything.
    His platoon members started chattering. “Wow, those are big.”
    “So they’re humanoid, like us.”
    “They’re huge! I wonder what they look like inside that armor.”
    Kubersly gazed at their basic infantryman who had just deployed outside their dropship. It—they wore armor much like his. Black, a bit bigger than his own. Their armor covered its entire body. He gazed at what it was holding. Hmm...Its weapons didn’t look so much advanced that his platoon couldn’t put up a fight when the time came.
    Their infantrymen deployed readily outside their dropships in the plain grass as if on lookout for enemy units. Little did they know that all the human units had been deployed inside the city.
    Then the rounds rained down on the enemy. Human artillery pieces started firing the moment those enemy ground units exited the drop ships. Kuberly wondered why the artillery rounds hadn’t been fired on the dropships themselves but then realized they had. The dropships’ gravity shields had protected them against tactical nukes. But what type of protection did the enemy ground units have?
    Immediately, his view of the enemy ground units flashed brilliantly as the tactical nukes hit their mark outside the city. Giant mushroom clouds appeared in his helmet view. It took a while but once those mushroom clouds disappeared, Kubersly gasped. The enemy wasn’t invincible! Their ground units had been decimated. Everything outside the dropships had been turned to black debris. Only the dropships survived.
    It certainly looked as if the humans finally scored one.
    Then, the dropships opened their top hatches. Suddenly, aircraft exited out of the massive dropships and began moving in the direction of the city. Miniature troop deployment vehicles, much like helicopters from ages past. Probably carrying assault troopers.
    Suddenly, Kubersly could hear enemy artillery shells landing throughout the city. The big dropships countered with their own version of artillery and small missiles, but thank god, they weren’t nuclear armed.
    “We’re being hit!” came the cries. “Our positions are being bombarded!”
    So, the enemy had recon probes after all—or something similar.
    Kubersly wondered what was inside those aircraft and concluded that they were no doubt carrying alien

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