War In The Winds (Book 9)

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Book: War In The Winds (Book 9) by Craig Halloran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig Halloran
    “No,” he muttered. He couldn’t imagine not being friends with her, Brenwar, Ben, and Bayzog. Not to mention so many others. He liked people. Dragons often talked too much and were boring. Well, at least his father, Balzurth, was that way. Perhaps I am too attached to being a man instead of a dragon.
    “It will be alright, Nath,” she said, patting his knee.
    “I think this conversation has helped me,” he said. “I’m so glad you came. It really means a lot to me. You always know the right things to say.”
    She got up.
    “What are you doing?”
    “I need to rest, Nath,” she said, yawning again.
    “You can rest here. I have the most comfortable bed, but I don’t ever use it.”
    “It looks like a good bed for brooding,” she said. “I bet Brenwar would like it.”
    “Not if it’s softer than a rock, he wouldn’t.”
    “Ha! There’s never been a truer statement.”
    Gently, he grabbed her wrist. “Don’t go just yet, Sasha. There are so many things on my chest. The people chant my name, yet there’s strange commotion in the streets. You say things are better, but I find things disturbing. Even my lost neck hairs are prickling. And I can’t put my clawed finger on any of it.”
    “It’s change,” she said. “Good change, at that. And I wouldn’t worry about those happenings in the streets. The races who are new to town have gotten settled and begun feuding with the locals. It will pass. Selene will see to that.”
    “I’ll take your word for it, Sasha.”
    “Good,” she said, heading for the door. “And I bet Selene will take you out of here soon so you can stretch those scaled legs of yours. Don’t worry, Nath. You’ll figure things out soon enough.”
    “I hope so,” he said. “Say, Sasha, do that sorceress trick for me? It’s been a long time, and you know how much I love it.”
    Her brows lifted.
    “Uh … Nath, I’m so weary. How about next time? And I have to admit,” she said, touching the pendant hanging over her chest, “I haven’t been practicing magic as much as I should. Bayzog would swat me for it.” She glided over and gave him a quick hug. “I must go before my eyes fall from my head.”
    “I understand,” he said, frowning. “Just don’t be gone so long this time.”
    “I won’t,” she said, opening the door and walking out down the hall. She glanced over her shoulder at him. “I won’t.” Two Barnabus soldiers in chain armor escorted her down the hall and out of sight.
    Nath closed the door and took a seat on the bed, filling his nostrils with a deep draw of air. Something smelled funny. The perfume Sasha normally wore was gone. Her eyes shimmered a little when she spoke. And she had said she would perform the trick later. The problem was, there had never been a trick. But everything seemed right about her otherwise.
    Nath’s fingers drummed on his knees.
    She’s trying to deceive me. Or Selene’s forcing her to deceive me. Don’t let on too much. Patience, Dragon. Patience. You’ll put it all together soon enough.
    He got up to pace the room, his mind restless and angry. He flung the balcony doors open wide and scanned the streets below. Soldiers stormed back and forth through the streets, looking for something. Or someone. He wanted to know who it was. He climbed on the balcony wall and hung his legs over the edge. The stiff breeze billowed his hair. Looking down, he considered something.
    Perhaps I can unlock my powers if I don’t rely on anyone else being around. He scooted closer to the rim. He could feel his dragon heart thumping in his chest.
    Are you a man, or are you a dragon?

    CHAPTER 13
    A heavily armored man  wearing the insignia of a commander of Barnabus kneeled and bowed at the bottom of the dais. Selene sat on her throne, eyes elsewhere, and said, “Speak.”
    “High Priestess, we have captured several of the culprits,” the man said in a deep but nervous voice. Sweat dripped from his brow. “I’m

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