walkers the survivors

Read Online walkers the survivors by Zelda Davis-Lindsey - Free Book Online

Book: walkers the survivors by Zelda Davis-Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey
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should be a piece of cake.
         I got an odd feeling as the rain let up.  I concentrated and finally got a line on Lacy.  They were heading towards us but were still a ways out.  Lacy?  "Mason, are you getting this?"
         "Yes, but it's weak."
         "They're a ways out but I know it's her."
         "Keep broadcasting, it might be the lay of the land, or the iron in the rocks keeping from communicating."
         "For Pete's sake, Mason it's not like it's a radio connection here.  I don't think it matters how much iron is in the rocks."
         "Just thinking out loud kiddo, don't get your pantyhose in a bind."
         "I don't wear pantyhose.  Give me a minute, here."
         I went back to calling Lacy again but didn't get anything that time.  I'd just wait a bit, which reminded me I had to go, again.  Sigh.  Water was dripping off the truck, which didn't help.  Mason saw how much trouble I was having so the smart ass presented me with a empty water bottle.  I gave him one of my looks, which had him trying to suppress a laugh.  He checked the side mirrors and around the truck the best he could then announced the area was clear enough if I wanted to step outside a minute for 'fresh air'.  He didn't have to say it twice.  I took care of business, then walked around a bit to get the kinks out.  I nearly fell on my ass with Lacy yelled in my head, JD! Can ya hear me now?
         Yes, smart ass, and Mason is cross eyed to prove it.  Where are you?
         We're on the road east of Rocky Ford about....25 miles, Randy says.  Where are you?
         East of Rocky Ford, in a traffic jam.  Are you all ok?
         Yea, I'll tell you all about it when we get there.  The road seems to be clear so we should be there in about an half an hour.
         Okay, we'll see ya then.
         "Did you get any of that?"  I asked Mason.
         "Yep, sure did, maybe we ought to think about getting on the other side of the road now the coast is clear.  If you're all done out here, we should get a move on."
         So we did but it took longer than I liked.  Backing up, we ended up backtracking until we got to the other side, since we were heading south, we needed to be there anyway.  By the time we got to the intersection, the crew got there too.  It was a grand reunion, but short lived when a herd of walkers heard us and headed our direction.  There was a lot of cussing and running but we high tailed it out of town and headed south by the time the walkers knew we were gone.
         We were on secondary roads so, no more rest areas.  The land was flat enough though that a person could just stop on the road and camp, it's not like there was a lot of traffic.  We did just that under a group of cottonwood trees that lined the road for a small stretch.  Setting up a couple of tables and some chairs we heard the story of their trip.
         It seemed like every road they took ended in a big gouge in the road to deep to drive over, or a bridge that was out, so they did a lot of backtracking.  They finally ended up on Interstate 25 near Pueblo Colorado and traffic jams from hell.  Since Howard had the snow plow on his tow truck he cleared the way but it was slow going.  They also had to deal with two herds of walkers that were rather large so they spent a lot of time 'hiding' from them.  They had traveled all night and were worn out.  I think everyone was just plain pooped and we decided to rest a few hours before heading out.  I was just happy we were together again so I didn't say much.  The kids and dog ran themselves ragged then we all just climbed into our outfits and napped a couple of hours.
         A little after noon, found us on the road again.  It was taking an awfully long time to travel through Colorado but we knew we'd have problems.  Still this was a bit on the ridiculous side.  Earthquakes?  It's like mother nature was trying to figure out what we could handle

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