Waiting for Wednesday

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Book: Waiting for Wednesday by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
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reason? Was she fighting the wrong demon? For her entire life, she’d felt trapped—with James, caught up in the sticky fingers of the foster-care system—always held, restrained, at someone else’s mercy. In her struggle for freedom, had she closed herself off from others?
    “Don’t look so worried. It’s not hard, Lane. I’ll show you the way.”
    “The way?”
    “The way to be your own person and still share your life with someone.”
    “That’s not possible,” she whispered.
    He laughed. “Sure it is, kitten.” Tris glanced at his watch and grimaced. “My shift starts in fifteen minutes. I’m going to need a cold shower before then if I’m going to make it through the night.”
    Mari Carr
    She grinned sheepishly. “I feel guilty leaving you like this while you made sure I’m all warm and fuzzy inside.”
    “Warm and fuzzy, eh? I like that.”
    “Yeah, well, I think I’d like to return the favor sometime.” Tris wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. “It’s a date.” 56
    Waiting for Wednesday

Chapter Four
    Lane sat on a bench near the waterfront, stifling a tired yawn and reflecting on the past week. Tristan’s pop had returned home from the hospital and the past few days had been hectic and stressful for the family and for her. Though Mr. Collins’ stroke had been relatively mild, she’d seen the worried looks on his children’s faces as he struggled to speak clearly. Always a vibrant and lively man, he now moved slowly, cautiously, and it hurt them to see it. Just yesterday he’d forgotten her name. Lane had assured the others memory loss was common and nothing to worry about, but she’d seen the pain lingering behind their forced smiles.
    Tristan was still spending long hours in the pub, working the lunch and dinner shifts most days. Lane knew it bothered him to see his father so frail and she wished there was some way to make him realize the progress Mr. Collins was making. It wasn’t going to be a quick road to recovery but, like his children, he seemed to have an indomitable spirit and Lane truly believed he’d be back to his feisty old self soon.
    Keira was spending the morning with him. Lane knew the woman wanted to have some time alone with the man. She’d watched Tristan’s sisters with their father, a spark of envy growing as she sensed the special bond each of the women shared with their beloved pop.
    She and Tristan hadn’t had the opportunity to say more than a few words in passing. Her work with his pop and his seeming avoidance of the apartment had put a definite halt to any progress they could be making in the bedroom. She recalled the orgasm he’d given her with his hand and sighed. She was definitely going to have sex with the man. There was no doubt about that. Their brief afternoon tryst had proved their compatibility stretched well beyond the walls of friendship.
    Mari Carr
    She rubbed her eyes sleepily. God, her thoughts were a jumbled mess as her tired mind jumped from one worry to the next. She’d spent the last week trying to determine if Tristan had the right of it. Perhaps she had been fighting the wrong demons, shutting herself off from others, from love, all in the name of self-reliance. She wanted to be independent, but she wanted Tris. What if he was correct? What if she could have both?
    She’d tried with James and her ex had only proven to her once again she’d been a fool to believe she could have it all.
    She was running on empty and she knew it. Trying to sleep in the same room with Riley was wearing her out. Every night she fought to remain awake until she heard Tris retire to his bedroom. As the one who closed down the bar each night, he usually didn’t head to bed until after one, or even later on the weekends. Once the coast was clear, she’d sneak out to the couch to try to grab a few hours of sleep where no one in the family could hear her.
    She cried in her sleep. It was an odd thing, she knew, and she was

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