Void's Psionics

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Book: Void's Psionics by Jr H. Lee Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan
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grateful for a chance to divert the current topic. Deegen nodded.
“Alright, get to your places and follow my ass out.” She walked in
through the airlock than the cargo door Sparky and Rose headed for.
Jessica was right behind and shut the outer and inner door at the
press of a button.
    Oliver though hopped into the Flare and
activated automatic startup procedures as the docking door began to
rise. Rather than be sucked right out into the cold vacuum of
space, a thin barrier of a few photons thickness was placed. It
allowed solid objects through, but held atmosphere in and vacuum
out. He closed the cockpit lid and checked all was fully
operational as Renee’s shuttle unfurled it’s solar sail mast and a
stream of bluish white plasma came out of the back end to propel
the winged boat out. With it gone he saw the three Seeker’s
sitting. Stone’s would stay behind as his task was to ensure the
safety of the captain, crew and treasures going to the press
    Steven’s Seeker went next and Deegen wasn’t
far behind. Oliver lifted the Flare silently off the ground to
press down with the lightest touches to fly straight. Passing
through the barrier he pressed a button and the deck hatch dropped
back down to make the Dorgenox hull whole. The private dock
wouldn’t be known if not known about beforehand or seen opening in
    Vast space opened up and it calmed Oliver as
they flew swiftly through it. Momentum from the Dorgenox carried
over with them, but a quick turn stopped sideways flying and ahead
showed a large white star, but it was filtered through the screen
to prevent blindness. They separated hours before the Dorgenox
would make a sea landing on Havannah.
    It would be smooth sailing till then so
Oliver turned on some music and pulled the indigo shield from his
back and laid it between the seat and wall.
    Havannah, second planet from its home brown
star, grew quickly in approach. It was an earthlike planet, but had
three small moons that doubled as weapons platforms as Havannah had
been attacked by Keptl and repelled by excellent firepower twice
before. Its oceans were blue, but lacked excessive salt and only
made up about thirty percent of the overall surface. Great
mountains and volcanoes created great and powerful windstorms that
could last seconds or months. Only winter was best to not worry
about deadly storms. Summer was chaotic and nighttime was the only
time to work. Right now Havannah was coming out of its wintery
orbit and was gradually getting closer to the central star.
Havannah, though with dangerous winds, was a beautiful place and
sported one two point one gees of gravity. Mild temperatures. Human
population numbered about fifteen million scattered between ten
major cities and many outlying towns. Right now it was dark, but
aside from the orange glow of active volcanoes there showed light
of technology.
    Space authority from a moon called out to
them. “This is Havanna’s moon platform three. I have you on screen.
State your name and business.”
    “ This is Renee Void,
daughter of Pirate King Jake Dorgen of the Dorgenox. My shuttle is
called the River Skipper. The three fighter’s are my escort.” Renee
had taken Oliver’s last name after her captain and father wanted to
marry them. She was comfortable taking Void as her last name, not
wearing a ring.
    “ Voice analysis and ship
number confirmed, River Skipper. Two Seekers as well, but I do not
have the other fighter in my records. What is it? A handmade custom
    “ No, it’s a Galicom product
called a Flare, but it never left prototype phase as few pilots can
control her.” Renee said.
    “ Understood. You are cleared
to enter Havannah space. The Dorgenox has already landed twenty
minutes ago. Have a nice day.”
    “ Thank you.”
    Soon four bright fireballs streaked through
the night sky as the ships entered the atmosphere to cause enough
friction to ignite the very air against a psionic shield each

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