Porter Nash, groggy from lack of sleep, fumbled for his new glasses and was seriously angry. He said:
‘You asshole, the money was delivered. What the hell are you playing at?’
The robotic voice was level, amused, disguising the annoyance Ray was actually feeling. It said:
‘Tell you the truth, I’ve got a taste for it.’
‘Where’s Roberts? I don’t like dealing with the hired help; you sound way too emotional to be negotiating. Not a fag, are you?’
Porter, aware he was being taped for the record, tried to rein in, said:
“You got paid, what can it benefit you to keep this going?’
‘Sheee.…it as our black brothers say, “I dun’ tol’ you young un’ I got me a taste for this.”‘
Ray was relaxing, he was close to having fun and this cop was so easy to rile. He said:
‘See, you got a clue right there. Am I a brother or playing at it, running the old double bluff?’
Porter, who’d been having chest pains and had resolved to stop smoking, signalled to McDonald for a cig. This took a minute and Porter clicked his fingers; McDonald wasn’t keen on the gesture. The cig was found, a Rothmans – thus funding the South African connection anew – then a lighter.
Porter got his cigarette flamed, drew deep, said:
‘The picture that comes across from all the clues I have is that you are a sick whacko and I promise you this, I am personally going to bring you down. So how you like that clue, bro’?’
And then Porter Nash did something that would become the stuff of police legend.
He slammed down the phone.
The rule is: never, never never never… hang up on a kidnapper, extortionist or hostage taker.
Then, to add to the myth, Porter collapsed.
An ambulance was called and he was rushed to St Thomas’. The paramedics, on hearing about chest pains, shot him through to Coronary Care, Porter feeeling like he was an extra in
the mad gallop through the corridors, the IV bottle, the oxygen mask, he’d have enjoyed it if the fucking pain wasn’t so intense.
Porter Nash knew for certain he was dying. Gays like him liked Dolly Parton marginally better than Barbra Streisand, and her version of ‘I Don’t Know Much’ was reeling in his head. He could hear ‘I don’t know much but I know I’m dying’, which made it a torch song of mega echoes.
They got him hooked up to the monitors, took blood – the cocksuckers – and get this… began to question him.
Like this:
‘When did the pains start?
Where are they concentrated?
Do you smoke?
Any history of heart disease in the family?’
That kind of shite.
He wanted to say:
‘Fuck off.’
But he knew they wouldn’t. They kept up the barrage of questions, carried on doing stuff to his chest. He could see little plastic plugs that were attached to him and the amount of tubes in his left arm was to be seen to be believed.
The specialist said:
‘I would say the tube in your heart is gone.’
At least that’s what it sounded like, or some valve had packed it in. To Porter Nash it all sounded like sayonara. He was finally given some painkillers and he swallowed them with relish. The truth is, he would have killed for a cig.
Like plenty of
smokers, he’d deluded himself by thinking he could kick any time he chose. They are the smokers the tobacco companies like best. What they do not like us to see are the poor ravaged faces of people like snooker ace Hurricane Higgins – gaunt, fucked and forlorn – peering out from the tabloids. The real maintenance comes with the guy who thinks he’s not hooked. Smoking ULTRA LIGHTS and thinking the roof will never fall in.
It falls.
Porter didn’t really think he could ask for ten minutes to nip out for a fast drag. Next up was x-ray… And the technician tut-tutted… ‘This you do not want to hear.’
So Porter asked:
‘What? You see something on there?’
‘Not my job, mate. I just take the snaps, let the big boys deliver the damage.’
‘So you do
Iain Banks
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T. J. Brown
Emma Hart
Kathi S. Barton
Chris Matheson
Sigal Ehrlich
Glen Krisch
Joseph Heywood
Alastair Reynolds