Viking Sensitivity (Night World Series Book 2)

Read Online Viking Sensitivity (Night World Series Book 2) by Gretchen S. B. - Free Book Online

Book: Viking Sensitivity (Night World Series Book 2) by Gretchen S. B. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gretchen S. B.
blood run cold and adrenaline shoot through her system at the same time. She started to get a very bad feeling about what Charlie was saying. It was one thing for her to be talking about doing real magic but to be talking about other species of beings or people or whatever she should call them just seem too far-fetched. But as soon as she mentioned Gwen's name Mia knew she was telling the truth. The other woman's energy was so strong, she had to possess some kind of power. Charlie's explanation made sense. With all that Viking did, did that make him one of these Warriors?
    "The Warrior in charge of her bodyguard detail is a man named Viking. We all know what he looks like because of who he protects. That sort of thing is something you tend to know. You might have just been on a date with the highest ranking Warrior on the most important detail in all of the North American kingdom. I'm not quite sure what made him pick you but I'm going to do some digging and find out. He clearly has some sort of abilities and I think that his ability is sort of counteracting your shields and caused you to have a short circuit. I'm not sure spending time with him is in your best interest."
    Mia didn't know what to say. It was a lot to take in a once. Most of it seemed impossible. She looked at her aunt. All the other woman's expression told her was this information was not news to her. Mia felt as if someone just tilted her world and shuffled things around. This seems so far-fetched and yet she found herself believing.
    She found herself with one question. "Does that make my aunt and I MPs?"
    Charlie shook her head. "No you are very strong Sensitives. You are not MP's. That kind of thing doesn't skip around in a family the way your family’s abilities do."
    "This is a lot to take in. You know that right?"
    Charlie just nodded.
    For a moment Mia thought she was going to respond but in the end the other one stayed silent. There were several moments when all talking seem to be suspended. As if all three of them had forgotten how. Mia was in shock. There were no words floating around in her head, as if her brain was refusing to process this new information.
    Her aunt patted Mia's arm. "I know it is a lot to process. I have known Charlie a long time and it is still a lot for me sometimes. Right now, it is best to focus on the problem at hand. Charlie and I will be working with you to help get you stronger. We are going to practice it just to be safe. I don't want to risk that being coming back. Am I right in thinking Viking is coming back this evening for the speaker?"
    Mia didn't seem to be able to form words so she simply nodded in response to her aunt's question.
    Charlie exhaled loudly. "After I re-ward your apartment I am going to use that time to poke around a little. Warriors bumming around this area for any reason couldn't have been kept secret." With that, Charlie stood up and came to stand directly in front of Mia. "Now, let's get to work on those broken shields of yours."

Chapter 6
    "So how did it go?"
    Viking didn't know why he was surprised to see Raider and Poet standing in the doorway to the lounge when he got back to the bookstore after his lunch with Mia. He should've known they would be waiting for him. Raider, because he genuinely worried and cared about Viking's well-being and Poet just out of sheer annoyance and curiosity.
    He was tempted to ignore Poet's question and continue toward the store. He knew he would have to report to Gwen no matter what. When she wanted something she would be relentless until she got it. That didn't bother him as much as it usually did. Mostly he was touched by the fact that she cared enough about him to be concerned.
    So far the only effect of the Maddening was a quicker temper. Though anger wasn't as far away as Viking would like. This surprised him because the symptoms had been so strong in Cesar so early on that Viking had expected his experience to be similar. He didn't know how to take

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