Vigo's Lament: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 3)

Read Online Vigo's Lament: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 3) by Chris Yee - Free Book Online

Book: Vigo's Lament: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 3) by Chris Yee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Yee
Tags: Suspense, Science-Fiction, adventure, Fantasy, Action, supernatural, Dystopian
for her. He would give up anything, even his life.”
    “And what does that have to do with the seizures?” Alan asked.
    Charlotte shrugged. “I don’t know, but he was definitely trying to protect her. He kept her hidden from the public for, what, ten years?”
    “Regardless,” Vince said turning to talk directly to Izzy, “what did your father do when you had these seizures? What should we do?”
    “Nothing,” she answered. “He held my head like you do, but he didn’t do anything else. He just waits until they’re over.”
    “Huh,” Alan said, dissatisfied. “Really? That’s it?”
    “They tire me out, but they don’t hurt me.” She moved her tongue in her mouth. “I don’t usually bite my tongue, though.”
    “Okay,” Vince said, decidedly more satisfied than Alan. “So next time, we know what to do. Hold your head and wait.”
    Izzy and Charlotte nodded in agreement. Alan shrugged. “If you say so.”
    Charlotte glanced out the window on the far side of the room. She saw the approaching wall. “We’re getting close. We should get ready. I have no idea who or what will be waiting for us on the docks. I’m hoping we can sneak in quietly, but we should be prepared, in case we encounter hostiles.”
    “Hostiles?” Alan said, sarcastically stroking his chin. “Why would anyone be hostile towards us? Oh right, the psycho lunatic that killed Greene and tried to kill us. I forgot about that guy.”
    They walked outside to see the wall in all of its glory. It was just as large as they remembered. The towering sight of the barrier had not lost its stunning effect.
    Alan pointed to the Spire, which poked up in the distance. “The Spire’s all the way over there.”
    “I steered us away from that area,” Charlotte said. “It’s too dangerous to go directly to the Spire. We don’t know what it’s like right now. We’re entering through a different gate.”
    “Gate?” Alan asked. “There are gates? That would have been useful the first time around.”
    “Yes, there are four gates. Three dispersed along the wall and one at the Spire.”
    “That’s the one Barnabus was taking me to,” Alan said.
    “Correct. Greene had all of his test subjects shipped to the Spire’s docks.”
    “You mean prisoners,” Vince said.
    “Right, prisoners. Sorry. Force of habit. Anyway, we’re not going there.” She pointed far to the left, where two large columns stood in place of the wall. “That’s where we’re going. Between those two pillars is the Western Gate. It’s usually operated by Greene’s men, but with Greene gone, there’s no way to know what we’re up against. That’s why we need to be careful. For all we know, Simon is posted in there, waiting for us.”
    “He doesn’t know we’re coming,” Alan said. “And even if he did, he wouldn’t know which gate we’re at.”
    Charlotte turned and pointed to the camera mounted above them. “There’s a good chance he knows.”
    “He’s been watching us this whole time?” Alan shouted. “Why in the world didn’t we disable them?”
    “We could have, but it wouldn’t matter. There are cameras all over, and this boat has a locator device. If Simon really wanted to, he could find us. But who knows? Maybe he didn’t bother looking.”
    Alan scoffed. “That makes me feel better.”
    Vince looked at the bag of guns sitting by the bed. “Whatever is waiting for us, Charlotte’s right. We need to be ready to protect ourselves. I know we’re far from the Spire, but if there are any Crowns in there, there’s no doubt they’ll try to kill us. Others may want us dead too.”
    “Like who?” Alan asked.
    “A lot of Greene’s people think we betrayed him. They think we’re working with Simon. You may be okay walking the streets,” He pointed to Alan and Charlotte. “They may not recognize you, but like Trevor said, my face was broadcast to the entire City. Everyone knows what I look like. In any case, we should all take precautions

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