
Read Online Victoria by Laura Marie Henion - Free Book Online

Book: Victoria by Laura Marie Henion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Marie Henion
physique beneath his dress shirt caused her pulse to increase. Slowly, she pulled away, but Tod didn't release her. His hands lay entwined behind her back.
    Instinctively, she held his forearms.
    "I haven't told the rest of your family yet. I'll talk to your uncle Patrick first, only because I'll see him back at the station. Detective Phelps and I are going to try to keep this information quiet, especially with the memorial ceremony only days away."
    Victoria jerked her head up to look at Tod, who was a good six inches taller.
    "Oh God, Tod. My mother. What am I going to tell my mother? This will kill her."
    Victoria cringed and his hug tightened.
    "Your mom is very strong, Tory. If it's not true..."
    She tried to push back from Tod and distance herself from his embrace.
    "What do you mean if it's not true? Of course, it's not true, damn it. It can't be!” She pulled away from him, but Tod held her hands.
    "I'm here for you, Tory. You know that I am, right?"
    He stepped closer to her, placed his hand under her chin, and gently rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb before their gazes locked again.
    Instantly feeling the tightness in her chest, recognizing the look of passion in Tod's eyes, she felt the conflict within. An attractive man, the second in two days, and she found herself desiring his touch. What had come over her?
    His head moved forward as his tone decreased in volume.
    "I'm here."
    Before he could move close enough to steal a kiss, she stepped back; although, she admitted she was more then curious to taste his kiss.
    "Yes. I'm sorry, Tod. Please tell me everything.” She took his coffee cup and brought it to the kitchen to make him a new cup. Then she poured one for herself.
    Thinking about what almost occurred between her and Tod in the living room, she decided to sit as far from him as possible. In twenty-four hours, did I turn into some kind of hussy? The thought both scared her and excited her. Could she finally put her past behind her and move on? Should she listen to her best friend Celina and just sleep with Tod?
    The thought of falling into such a comforting, masculine embrace brought on a slight feeling of heat between her thighs. Over a year without a man and she was ready to fling her body at two different men at once? Surely, the stress appeared to be strangling her better judgment.
    Thoughts of Steven flashed in her mind. Her first lover, her only lover, how could there ever be another.
    "Victoria, sit down, you don't look so good. Information like this is not easy, and I'm sorry for blurting it out."
    "I'm okay, Tod, please explain everything to me and tell me what happens next?"
* * * *
    "Hey, Dad, what's going on?” Connor asked Patrick as he entered the office, closing the door behind him.
    "Have you heard from Victoria?” Patrick sat at his desk fiddling with some paperwork.
    "No, why do you ask?” Connor hoped his father hadn't heard about Victoria and Bret Collins. The shit would truly hit the fan. Connor knew Bret and Uncle Danny were kind of enemies. Apparently, Victoria had no idea.
    "I know you already know what's going on, son, so take that blank look off your face. What the hell is she thinking?"
    "She doesn't know that Uncle Danny and Collins hated one another. How could she know their past when she's not on the job and is, what, twelve years younger than him? I don't know what she's thinking."
    "This is bad. He's no good for her and.... “Patrick didn't finish his sentence.
    "What? What are you not telling me?"
    "Detective Phelps called me first thing this morning. Apparently, they found a connection between the Delaney woman and Danny. They think they were having an affair."
    "What? No way, not Uncle Danny. This can't be true."
    "I hear you, son, but Phelps and Kafrey are working the case and this is their latest lead. Kafrey hasn't stopped in to see me yet, but I'm sure he will before the end of the day."
    "Oh shit, the memorial service is only three days away. What is Aunt

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