Vice (Fireborn Wolves Book 1)

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Book: Vice (Fireborn Wolves Book 1) by Genevieve Jack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Genevieve Jack
her feet shoulder width apart. The paint caressed the outside of her leg, up her inner thigh, and over her most sensitive area.
    Wesley seemed completely unaffected, almost bored. “Something got you here,” he said as he painted over the scar on her hip. “Dog bite?”
    “Yeah,” she lied.
    “Not a problem. I’ll cover it up, along with the tattoo.” He finished with the white and reached for the black airbrush. “The moment I saw your hair, I knew what I would make you.” Interesting. She’d dyed her normally mahogany hair jet black the night before in an effort to disguise herself. Along with changing her normally green eyes to blue, she’d hoped it was enough to limit her exposure.
    Wesley turned to the male assistant on his left. “Start darkening her spine. I want the stripes to come from a single strip of black and wrap around the body. White between the nipples.”
    A tickle of spray passed over her butt crack and her eyebrows shot into her hairline. Wesley laughed and lowered his voice. “I enjoy working with you newbies. I predict that three weeks from now, you’ll be spreading your cheeks so that Andre can get a better angle.
    “If you say so,” she said through a smirk.
    “High pony. No hairpiece. She has enough as it is. Black apron, black tail, black stilettos,” Wesley practically barked. The female assistant took off toward a room in the back.
    “We get to wear an apron?” Laina asked.
    He grinned. “Gotta have somewhere to put your tips. With a body like yours, I predict you’ll make plenty.” He lowered his voice. “Most of these models are built like coat hangers. You’ve got some meat on your bones.”
    Her cheeks went hot again, now under a coat of paint that clung and stretched like a leather glove.
    The assistant returned and started fussing with her hair as Andre feathered another layer of paint under her arm. By the time they were done, her shoulders were cramping, but she didn’t feel naked anymore. In fact, Nickie’s prediction proved true: the latex coated her flesh like a wetsuit, hairline to ankle. A lacy, scrolled black mask was placed over her eyes and an apron the size of a micro miniskirt was tied around her hips. Andre affixed a black tail to the base of her spine with costume glue.
    “Wait a few minutes more to put on the shoes,” Wesley said. Laina took the black stilettos in hand and headed for the full-length mirror on the wall. She was a zebra. A contoured, curvy-as-hell zebra.
    “Wow,” Nickie said from behind her. “Wesley’s a genius.”
    Wesley had made the blond bombshell into a doe, complete with dainty brown ears that poked from her chin-length hair.
    “Thanks. It’s not as bad as I was expecting. It’s almost like…”
    “Like you have a dirty secret.” Her new friend smirked. “Like for just one night you can be someone else. You can be anyone.”
    Exactly , Laina thought. Tonight, she was someone else. That was the plan. As Nickie and the rest of the models filtered through the door to the main part of the club, she dropped back and leaned against the lockers to put on her stilettos. Once she’d double-checked that no one was watching, she unlocked her cubby and fished a tiny blue box from her purse. She dropped it into her apron. The box contained fairy magic, capable of attracting vermin from far and wide, with an added enchantment that made it invisible to humans when activated.
    Laina closed the locker and squared her shoulders. It was time to do what she came to do.

    W ith a tray of canapés balanced on one hand, Laina entered the crowded ballroom of Hunt Club. Surprisingly, the men, although dressed in formal attire, also wore masks, all depicting predators. The manager, a balding and portly man by the name of Nate, explained that the patrons paid a sizable fee for tickets to the grand opening. Tonight only, appetizers and house drinks were included with admission. She wouldn’t be expected to take payment or make change

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