Veined (A Guardian of the Angels Novel)

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Book: Veined (A Guardian of the Angels Novel) by Anyta Sunday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anyta Sunday
down. Not only had I managed not to puke, I’d also worn a smile during each disgusting mouthful.
    I rinsed my mouth with orange juice and interrupted my mom telling Jeffrey and Attic about some mad woman in the supermarket. “I don’t think Attic likes having to hang around me all the time.”
    Okay, so I admitted it went both ways, but I knew my request would appeal to my mother better if I approached this from a more selfless angle. “ If it’s absolutely necessary that someone be around at school, maybe Albelin could suggest someone else to take over?” Someone that didn’t lie. “I’m sure Attic here would be grateful.”
    I was handing him a way out of my life on a silver platter. Much more than he deserved, but I wanted it just as much as he probably did, so it was a win-win.
    I was surprised when, instead of Mom, Attic answered, his voice firm. “I’d rather you not assume what I think and feel.” He dropped my foot and my heel bashed against the floor.
    My mouth gaped and all the response I could muster was to firmly shut it again.
    A bird’s twitter cut through the silence. Attic jumped up, taking a cell from his pocket and resting it against his ear. “Yeah? . . . I’ll be there right away.” He clapped his cell shut, holding my gaze. His eyes were deep, thoughtful, as if considering something.
    He turned to my Mom, thanked her and left the room without a second glance at me. Only once he’d got to the front door did I hear him shout, “See you tomorrow at school, Lark.”

    ON MY WAY out of the house, I noticed Attic’s hoodie draped over the coat rack . I paused. Should I return it to him or not?
    While I debated, the front door opened. Dad stumbled inside. Black bags still hung under his eyes. When was the last time he’d slept?
    I stepped out of his way and followed him into the kitchen, where he drank milk straight from the carton. I wrinkled my nose. Icky. “What’s up? Were you up all night tracking the killer?”
    Dad sighed and shook his head. His voice came out hoarse, tired. “There was another death last night. And not far from your school.” He faced me and gripped my shoulders. “Some crazy murderer is on the loose, and I want you to be careful, honey. You know the drill, don’t talk to anyone you don’t know. Report anything suspicious. Do you remember how to defend yourself?”
    “Poke the eyes, rip the corners of their mouth, kick ‘em real hard where it hurts. Then run.” Dad patted the top of my head like I was still his six-year-old little girl.
    “Good. I’m off to bed. I have to be back in at three. I only hope no one else dies before then.” He kissed my forehead and left.
    I walked down the hall, stopping in front of Mom’s picture with our house in Portland in the background. Frigging aye, why hadn’t Shirley contacted me yet? There was so much to tell her. She would have loved to hear about Jason and would have let me vent about Attic. Though she might have been a tad jealous of Maddy.
    I gritted my teeth and turned away, grabbing Attic’s hoodie. Light and warm in my hands, I folded it and put it in my bag, then started for the bus stop. At least this morning the air was crisp without being butt-numbing cold, and the sky was clear.
    At school, Maddy greeted me at my locker, hugging a copy of Names and Meanings. She yawned and I raised a questioning brow. Spill.
    “Marcus kept me up on the phone for hours last night,” she explained. “There’s only so many ways to describe how hot someone is, but somehow he seemed to come up with more. And the later the evening, the weirder they got: ‘A hunky crackerjack who’s so finger lickin’ yummy he may as well be spread with jam and cream’? I mean, come on.” She shook her head while chuckling. “The only way to stop him was to promise to do a bit of research on lover boy.” She tapped her book, pointing behind me.
    I casually swept the corridor as I shut my locker. My gaze brushed past

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