Vanished: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

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Book: Vanished: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance by Autumn Avery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Autumn Avery
the door.
                  “No no no no,” she says, coming up behind me and taking me by the arm. “You’ve had a little too much to drink tonight. You’re not going anywhere.”
                  I feel her hand slide into my pocket and grab my keys. She’s right, but it doesn’t make this any easier.
                  “Gah!” I shout, stomping my foot like a little girl. “Fine. I’ll walk!”
                  I wriggle out of her grip and stick one arm in my jacket.
                  “Mia! Mia, wait,” she shouts, racing up behind me. I reach out and open the door and pull it open to find…
                  Joey standing on my front porch.
                  Cassidy races up behind me and practically jumps out of her skin when she sees him.
                  “Oh!” she shouts, slapping a hand over her mouth. She turns to me, and I see her out of the corner of my eye. She looks like she’s seen a ghost.
                  “Hey, Cass,” Joey says, all cool and shit.
                  “Joey! You’re—you’re alive !”
                  Joey chuckles and grins, then shrugs casually. His eyes move to me, and my stomach twists like I’m about to throw up. I brace myself against the doorframe. By the looks of him you’d never know he was just in a fight with two guys. He looks like he could have been out for a late night stroll or just wandered over to borrow some milk.
                  As I look at him, I want to break down and cry. But I can’t. The night has been draining already, and I’m too exhausted. Two seconds ago, I wanted to run out and find him, but seeing him standing here on my porch, like he belongs here, like it’s okay for him to be gone for years and then just drop in unannounced, makes me want to kick him in the shins, and I have a change of heart.
                  “Get out of here,” I tell him.
                  “Mia,” he says, his voice sending chills up my spine. “We should talk.”
                  I throw my hands in the air, exasperated.
                  “What, now you want to talk? After all this time?” I drop my arms and let them hang loose at my sides.
                  This is killing me. I want to tell him off, to kick him off the porch and make him feel the pain I’ve felt for the last six years. But I also desperately need to know. I need to know where he’s been, why he left…I have so many questions. I have no reason to be nice to him, but I have reasons to hear him out.
                  “Just let me come in,” he says. I puff air out loudly through my lips, making a show of how annoyed I am. I look at Cassidy and roll my eyes.
                  “Let him come in!” I say, laughing at how arrogant he still is. “Just let him come in, huh? What do you think, Cassidy? Should I let Joey come in?”
                  She twists her lips and crosses her arms across her chest, ready to back me up. She’s such a good friend. She’d never leave me without warning.
                  “I don’t know, Mia. Kind of presumptuous, isn’t he?”
                  I turn back to him, hoping to see him at least slightly annoyed, but he’s got a smirk on his face like we’re a couple of silly little girls.
                  “I mean, we’re pretty much strangers at this point,” I say to everyone involved. “And I don’t just let strangers come waltzing into my house.”
                  I’m really laying it on thick, but I deserve a little time to be a brat, if you ask me. I am giving Joey my sauciest look when he just shrugs and barges past me into the house.
                  “Whoa, whoa!” Cassidy says, backing up, ready to pounce on him if I say the word.

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