Vampires Realm Prophecy 01 - Child of Light

Read Online Vampires Realm Prophecy 01 - Child of Light by F E Heaton - Free Book Online

Book: Vampires Realm Prophecy 01 - Child of Light by F E Heaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: F E Heaton
    How could her maid and best friend have kept so quiet about it? They had spent long sleepless days and restless nights talking about how cruel it was that she was kept shut up inside the mansion. Not once had her friend told her that there was a dark and horrible reason she was a prisoner in her own home. If she had known that leaving the house to hunt would lead to things like this happening, then she would have remained indoors. She would never have gone against her mother.
    Now, she was going to kill her family. She was going to kill Iona, and Serenity. She was going to kill every member of the pure bloodlines of Aurorea, Venia, Vehemens, Validus, Tenebrae, and Nocens. She was going to kill all of the bastard bloodlines that infested the planet. She was going to kill the demons that walked in both day and night. She was going to kill everything.
    Even Valentine, who had dared to rescue her from death.
    She pressed her hand into her stomach as it turned over. “I don’t feel so good.”
    “It must be overwhelming to suddenly be faced with all of this.”
    She barely heard what he’d said as she screwed her face up in agony and struggled against her desire to change. She looked into his eyes as the bones of her face shifted to allow her fangs to descend, and her vision and senses sharpened.
    “The Hunger is not helping,” he said in a matter of fact tone and placed the passports into a bag. “It will pass. It happens to us all when we have executed our first kill.”
    She shook her head and forced her demon guise to recede. The Hunger? She’d read about that. Her tutor, Tiberius, had taught her about the symptoms; the incredible craving for blood that it awakens inside you and the way it seems impossible to slake your thirst.
    “Get some rest. We shall be safe here for now. When evening falls then we shall go to the airport.”
    “To England,” she muttered to herself.
    “To Paris.” He corrected her.
    “We will ensure that we were not followed and then we will travel on to England.”
    “Followed?” She regarded him with curiosity. “You think they’ll follow us so quickly?”
    “Not them, no, but a hunter may. I was looking for him when I found you in the cemetery. I have reason to believe that he is in Prague, and he is looking for me. Most hunters are easily dispatched but this is one you should fear.”
    “Are we not safe from anyone?”
    “No, not any more.” He lightly touched her bare shoulder and she fought to conceal the warm shiver it sent through her. He intimated the blankets he’d laid out in one corner. “Rest. You will need your strength. The Hunger is only going to get worse.”
    She did as instructed and lay down on the makeshift bed. Closing her eyes, she thought about everything, from the prophecy to the way his touch felt electric. She couldn’t sleep. She could sense him still watching her, standing sentinel beside the door and obviously not intending to sleep himself.
    She was going to destroy all demons.
    Her family had joined forces with their enemy to hunt her down.
    She was no longer safe from anyone.
    But she was now certain of something.
    All that stood between her and death was the vampire who should have been her executioner.

Chapter 6
    Prophecy shifted in her seat, tugging at her clothes and the belt across her waist. She struggled to breathe. Everything felt too tight, irritating. She pulled at the belt again and growled underneath her breath. She wriggled closer to Valentine, who was sitting beside the window of the plane with the blind pulled down. He gave her a dark look and she knew that he wanted her to distance herself from him.
    They were near the wing of the plane and the seat nearest the aisle was empty. She wished that Valentine had the blind open so she could see the night. The closeness of the people around her was making her feel as though she was suffocating. She was barely keeping control of herself as she breathed in all their

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