Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

Read Online Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) by Corinne [vampire] Balfour - Free Book Online

Book: Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) by Corinne [vampire] Balfour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Corinne [vampire] Balfour
Tags: vampire
mysterious sheath and enjoying her as a hybrid enjoyed a human female, all the while forcing the rest of them to forgo such pleasures due to the “dangerousness” of the act. “If Diermont thinks to break his own rule, I see no reason why I must continue to follow it.”
    “You don’t know that he’s done that! The girl is hybrid, after all. There is little risk of her being equipped any differently from other hybrids. If Diermont makes her his mistress and finds her to be…more humanlike than expected, he still couldn’t be accused of violating the ban on human sex. She is not human.”
    “If she feels like a human, then she may as well be one. In that case, the rule would have been violated since he would risk developing the same condition that one risks when doing a human.”
    “Still not the same. A physical attachment to a hybrid is certainly allowed.”
    “I disagree. It would be a violation of the ban, and if he gets to violate it, then the rest of us should be granted the same opportunity.”
    “You’re mad to even suggest such a thing. Diermont would have your head for sure if you invaded a human’s body.”
    He had already experienced the act, but Seamus did not know of it. Diermont would certainly never hear of it. “It’s nothing to get worked up over. We’re not likely to see many humans here.” Modez turned his gaze to the woman lying on the floor. She was still unconscious. “What should we do with her?”
    Seamus picked her up and cradled her in his arms. “The lady is difficult to revive. Perhaps it would be best to put her to bed. I do believe I know the location of the room given to her.”
    Modez narrowed his eyes at Seamus, not trusting his motives. He followed him through the portal that Seamus opened.
    “I don’t need your assistance,” Seamus muttered as they arrived in the girl’s room.
    “I am in a mood to be generous,” Modez said as Seamus unceremoniously dumped the woman on the bed. The girl’s torn clothing separated further, baring her breasts fully. Modez drank in the sight greedily, appreciating the twin mounds that were a tad too rounded for a hybrid. Seamus met his eyes and gave him a meaningful look, which alarmed Modez. “Don’t,” he warned.
    Seamus groaned. “She’s beautiful. Like those Roman slaves Diermont made us kill.” He leaned over the woman and grabbed her throat, baring it just moments before he assaulted it with his fangs.
    Modez hissed, shocked by his friend’s inability to restrain himself. “Seamus! Have you lost your friggin mind?”
    Seamus ignored him as he pushed her head aside to gain a different angle. He bit and sucked at her throat like a starving man. The woman whimpered and tried to push him away with her hands.
    “You’re going to hurt her. What are you trying to do, anyway? You actually think to make her the Lady of Red Isles? That woman?”
    Seamus released her with a moan. “Damnation! It’s not working.”
    “You should feel eternally grateful it is not, or you would be stuck with the woman for life. What are you thinking, man? She’s related to Snotti and shares her bloodline, and she’s physically weak thanks to her human heritage. She’s not the kind of woman you take for a mate.”
    “You will not speak of this,” Seamus said as he backed away from the bed. “Just forget what you saw.”
    “I’m not sure I can forget what I saw, my friend. That creature is kin to Snotti, which should be enough to dissuade any male’s interest. But do not worry. I’ll not say a word about this.”
    “Don’t give me such a hard time about it, either. You cannot convince me you wouldn’t bite her in order to possess her.” His eyes caressed the round, lush breasts that remained on full display. “Especially now that we have seen so much of her.”
    Modez stared just as intensely as his friend. He wanted to memorize the shape of her so she could appear in his fantasies, although he would admit none of that to Seamus.

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