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Book: Untitled by Unknown Author Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown Author
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morning—wet grass and moist earth slowly warming in the weak sunlight. There was even a hint of spring in the air. She glanced up at the fluttering curtains, her smile turning thoughtful. She never opened the windows in the morning, preferring to wait until the day had warmed a little before airing the house.
       Nate had certainly made himself right at home, and not just with her body, either. She had a vague memory of him springing out of bed at some ungodly hour. He'd been disgustingly cheerful when all she wanted to do was crawl back under the covers and hide until sometime after lunch. At least.
       She'd simply refused to believe it was morning. That warm chuckle of his had rumbled through her, the vibration in her ear setting off another uncontrollable shiver. What that man could do with his mouth! And his tongue… Oooh.
       Then he'd tucked her in and disappeared. Or at least, she thought he had. He'd somehow managed to tidy the bedroom while she slept—the ridiculous collection of condom wrappers in the en suite tidy bin mute testimony to what they'd spent the night doing—then he'd apparently headed downstairs, finished cleaning the kitchen, and put on the coffee. Then he'd disappeared.
       Where the hell did he get his morning-after energy? Even after her little power-nap on the kitchen table, Gina felt something like warmed-over oatmeal—uninteresting, soggy, tasteless… Or maybe not. She grinned at herself, remembering the contented murmurs Nate had made as he licked her pussy, thoroughly enjoying himself as he literally slurped up her juices from between her legs. She very much doubted he'd accept her describing herself as 'tasteless'.
       Ah well. She heaved herself upright, running her fingers over her face and grimacing. The table had left an amazing imprint in her cheek and there was a sore spot on her shoulder. Had he given her a hickey? At her age! She knew she should have been outraged but smiled despite herself.
       A hot shower was what she needed, and she needed it desperately. The evidence of last night was still plastered to her legs, the scent of sex rising faintly as she moved, wafting around her and inducing memories she'd much rather forget. After all, the chances of her seeing him again were pretty damn low. Just because she'd already known it, didn't necessarily make it any easier to accept. And it was, she knew, going to be even harder now she really knew what great sex was.
       Her pussy clenched and, even through the soft robe she'd tossed on before heading downstairs, she could feel her nipples hardening. If just the thought of sex was enough to make her body react… Ugh! Right now, she wasn't sure whether she was grateful to Nate for giving her the experience, or whether she should hate him for showing her just what she'd been missing out on.

    * * * *

    Nate bit back an irritated sigh, instead smiling brightly at the couple who were looking at their third property of the day. Since taking over the agency, he'd started opening on Saturday mornings and— usually—he didn't mind. This morning, however, he'd have much rather stayed in bed. Gina's bed.
       And that, he realised, was dangerous. She'd responded so readily to that final tongue-fucking that he'd really wanted to know what she was dreaming about. The instant the dream became reality was obvious, yet she'd relaxed almost immediately. He didn't think he'd have been quite so calm if it had been him that had woken up being sucked off by a woman and already in the throes of orgasm. To give up so much control of himself to someone else, to trust them that much… The thought alone was enough to make him shudder. Yet she'd been quite unperturbed to find herself spread wide in front of him, unconscious of just how he'd stroked her, touched her, to get her to that point. He smirked. Well, as unperturbed as she could be considering the way her cunt was writhing wildly into his mouth as he drove her out of her

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