Until Trevor

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Book: Until Trevor by Aurora Rose Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aurora Rose Reynolds
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running into the hospital; a nurse saw us and opened the door right away. I laid Liz on the bed, and then there was a ton of commotion around us.
    I t old them what she ate at dinner, and that she said she had never been allergic before. The doc gave her a shot and told me that it shouldn't take long for it to start working and for us to see some results. Looking down at her small body in that bed, my heart started beating out of my chest. I couldn't think of a time when I had been so fucking scared. I ran my hands over my hair and face. I kissed her forehead, holding her hand. I called her mom to tell her what was going on; she said she and George would drive back from Alabama tonight, but it would take a few hours for them to get into town. I called Mike to let him know that she wouldn't be home, in case he got concerned. I hadn't expected a lecture, or the safety of my balls being threatened. I sent my mom and brothers a text, letting them know what was going on. They all loved Liz and were worried; I told them I had it and that there was nothing anyone could do. By the time I got off the phone, some of redness had reduced, and the swelling had gone down. I talked to the doctor about what happened; he said it could have been anything, but that she needed to be tested. He prescribed an Epipen, along with medication.
    “ Her breathing is now back to normal,” the doctor said. “All her vitals are great. Now we just need her to wake up so she can sign some papers.” I nodded, watching him walk off. I went to her bedside; running my hand down her face, pushing back her hair, her eyes started to flutter and I hold my breath. When I finally saw her beautiful green eyes, I let out the breath I was holding. “Hey, baby.” I said softly, bending and putting my mouth to her forehead. “You scared the shit out of me.”
    “What happened?” she asked; I can hear the strain in her voice. I stood, reaching over for the pitcher of water next to the bed. I filled a cup, grabbed the straw, and held it for her while she took a sip.
    “You had an allergic reaction to something you ate at dinner. The doctor said that you need to get tested to see what caused the reaction. He also prescribed you an Epipen so that if it happens again, you can take the shot right away.”
    “I’ve never been allergic to anything before.” Her voice was quiet, tears started to fill her eyes.
    “Hey , now, no crying. You’re okay, I…” Jesus, I was going to say I love you, but I don’t, do I? Shit, I do. I fucking love her. I swallowed, looking down at her; it was too soon. I knew that it would happen, but it was too soon; my stomach was in knots, and I felt sick.
    “Are you okay?” Looking concerned, she lifted her hand to my cheek. I was not okay, but I would be. I shook my head, grabbed her hand from my face, brought it to my mouth, and kissed her palm.
    “Just worried , baby. I'm going to go let the doctor know you’re awake.”
    “Okay,” she sa id quietly, laying her head back down on the pillow. After I found the doctor, he talked to Liz about seeing a specialist, and then went on to explain how to use the Epipen, and what she should do if something like this happened again. By the time we were pulling out of the hospital, it was after midnight. Liz was knocked out the minute I sat her in the car. Pulling up in front of my house, I carried Liz inside. She didn’t even stir when I took off her dress and put one of my tees on her. I covered her up, and then went to check around the house to make sure all the doors and windows were locked. I took off my clothes, left on boxers that I normally would have forgone, and then climbed into bed, pulling Liz into me.              
       Bringing me back to the present, my fingers flex on Liz’s ass in my hand. I look down at her; she’s still sleeping, and I don’t want to move, but need to get up and call my brothers to let them know that I’ll be in late. My

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