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bobbed his head like a chicken for effect. “Get out of range, Curtis. She’s dangerous. We have a game in two weeks.”
The entire room erupted into laughter.
Jenna materialized out of the sea of staring faces, her expression appalled. She held up two ice-cold, dripping water bottles.
“Don’t let them see you sweat,” she whispered, sliding in to her seat. Ever protective of Vere, she shot Curtis and then Howie her back-the hell-off-my-bestie glare.
To make the moment even more memorable, a drop of sweat slid off of Vere’s head and smacked onto Curtis’s hand.
Vere stole a glance at Curtis through her lashes. Under Jenna’s glare his smile had faded to a pained grimace. He retreated back to his seat, rubbing the back of his hand on his shirt.
Attempt at ever charming Curtis Wishford: FAIL.
“Oh, Mr. Peterson. Don’t let Vere hurt me. She’s scary,” Howie whined, mock cringing in his seat.
Vere looked away from the sea of staring faces and twisted a lock of hair at the base of her neck, as she memorized every single scratch etched on the surface of her lab table.
More laughter ensued and then, whispers.
She figured the few kids who hadn’t heard about her and Curtis were getting filled in on details. She glanced again at Curtis who’d chosen to ignore the entire scene. He was now busily signing his pile of forms as if the world had disappeared around him.
Who could blame him?
Vere pasted on her best poker face and tossed a half shrug to Jenna, but she couldn’t meet her best friend’s gaze for long. Grateful for the water bottle because it gave her something to do while everyone continued to stare, Vere opened it and took a long drink.
No matter how much water she swallowed, the lump in her throat would not wash away.
Her phone buzzed and rattled against the desk.
“Miss Roth. Are you texting? You may bring that phone up here. I’ll return it after you collect and sort everyone’s forms for me.”
“Yes, Mr. Peterson.”
7: landing
“Flight attendants, please prepare for landing.” The captain interrupted Hunter’s thoughts as the plane circled outside Denver to avoid some giant thunderheads.
He let his forehead rest on the oval shaped window, peering at a small pod of city skyscrapers and highway interchanges framed on one side by a long strip of distant mountains, grateful for the pair of plain, boring, sporty looking sunglasses his ‘imposter-twin’ had given him.
Crazy ain’t sexy. Crazy ain’t sexy.
Martin’s words still consumed his thoughts.
Am I crazy? No. No. Barry said I wasn’t.
Said it more than once, and he’s a professional.
“Sir? Sir. Young man .”
Hunter jumped and pulled away from the window, trying to make himself disappear into his seat. A woman in a red scarf and navy suit stood there looking at him expectantly.
His stomach clenched in white-hot fear.
Does she recognize me? What am I supposed to do? I have zero bodyguards.
Please don’t let me get mobbed.
Please no screaming.
He looked around for a pen.
Maybe she only wants an autograph. I could ask her not to tell.
I’ll beg. After today, I’m all about not waiting to beg.
The man next to him bumped his arm. “She wants your trash, bud.”
“And you need to pull your seat back up from the reclining position.” She blinked at him as though he were an idiot.
“Oh. Right. Sure.” He pulled a soda can, napkins and his squashed plastic cup out of his seat pocket. He held it out for the woman to take, risking a breath.
“Drop it in the bag, please. ” She rattled the white trash bag.
“Right.” Hunter reached over and released his pile into the sack.
She stalked away in a huff.
The man shook his head. “Bet she lives alone.”
“Ya think?” They shared a smile.
After they’d handed out the snack and drink, Hunter had
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