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Book: Unknown by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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wisdom o' that. I'm
no' speaking of your loyalty, James. It's your wits I'm concerned
with. Archie Napier tells me that this Montrose has a head on him.
And, forbye, notions beyond the ordinary. Are you for the Kirk, man -
or the bishops?'
I be for one and against the other, my lord? I was never greatly
concerned with forms of worship, before I left on my travels. And in
the different lands of Christendom, I saw nothing which made me to
believe that a man's salvation depended on the form of words he
used to speak with his Maker, nor yet on the colour of a priest's
clothing. Is it so different in Scotland?'
lad, dinna fence with words .’
lord Montrose,' Henderson intervened, quietly stern. ‘You
require freedom to worship Almighty God in your own way? Is that what
you say?'
is, sir.'
are you prepared to uphold such right, for others as well as
Montrose scrutinised the lean, strangely sensitive face leaning
forwards towards his own. ‘I have not, I confess, deeply
considered whether I am, or not, sir,' he said. ‘But I concede
that, probably, I ought to be.'
- there speaks a canny chiel!' Rothes cried. ‘No' that I'm
blaming you, lad. The man I respect uses his head. Scotland needs men
with cool heads more than men with hot tongues, in this pass.'
needs every man,
in this pass,' the minister amended evenly.
Graham looked from one to the other. This pass ... ?' he repeated. Is there a pass? Which demands our defence? Yet?'
is.' Rothes banged down a thick fist on the table, to make the flagon
jump. 'By God, there is ! I am new back frae London, man. Charles
Stewart is riding for a fall. He will heed none but the man Laud and
his lackey Juxon — he that's new Bishop of London in Laud's
stead. These two English jumped-up clerks have our liege lord licking
their prelatical feet! It
makes me spew - spew, I say! '
is unedifying, yes. But — this pass, you speak of... ?’
'It is this thrice-damned prayer-book! You must have heard of it?
Laud has had two Soots lickspittles, Wedderburn, Bishop o' Dunblane
and Maxwell, Bishop o' Ross, to concoct the rat-rhymes and
paternosters. They have finished their presumptuous blasphemies, and
now Laud and Juxon have had their fell turn at it And presented it to
Charles. And he, our sovereign lord, has swallowed it all, with its
mummery and its incantations and its rituals. It is being printed,
and is to be imposed on Scotland forthwith. By the royal edict On
pain o' excommunication. Before Easter next’
Surely not? How can this be? Who is to be excommunicated?'
parish minister, in the first place. The prayer-book itsel' isna yet
printed. But the Book of Canons is, that is to go with it and enforce
it. I've seen this, man - had in it my two hands. It's wicked.' All
trace of the coarse, loud-mouthed buffoon had for the moment
disappeared, and with it most of the broad Doric, as Rothes leant
over, pointing a stubby finger at Montrose. 'These Canons are signed
and sealed by the King, as head o' Christ's Church - by his way o'
it. They declare that every parish minister in Scotland will have
provided himsel' with at least two copies o' the prayer-book
before Easter - on pain o' excommunication and banishment.
Banishment, mind. To be used thereafter, in every kirk - on pain o'
the same penalties. And any who may raise their voice against it, or
fail to adhere to it, to be banished likewise.'
shook his head, wordless.
is that all, my lord,' Henderson put in. 'All presbyteries are
to be put down — the courts and government of the Kirk. Even
though the Scots bishops themselves accept them. Bishops alone are to
govern the Kirk of Scotland.'
is scarcely to be believed,' the younger man said slowly.
    â€˜ But
it is the truth, for a' that. I tell you, Montrose, I've seen the
printed and signed Canons.'
- the realm will not

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