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Book: Unfit by K Hippolite Read Free Book Online
Authors: K Hippolite
going to melt, and you’ll have to scrape me off the sidewalk.”
      We chat during the 20-minute walk. It’s funny how I can spend so long talking to Greg; there’s just so much to tell him. My life growing up was so different from his, it feels like we’ve been raised in two different cities.
      When we reach the tax office, there’s still a loosely-knit mob encircling it. The smouldering pile of bricks is all that remains of the fire. Litter blows in the street as people march to and fro, yelling at each other.
      The electrical power-station is still out. People have torn down the fence around it and broken in. All the wires are down. Buses won’t be able to get by without the cables running overhead.
      Not that any bus could hope to navigate this street. Too many people walk about, refusing to cede place. There’s one overturned car in sight. The tires have been removed. No doubt they’re buried in the wreckage of the tax office.
      “This is nuts,” says Greg. We stop walking to stare, and I grip his arm.
      Reiki? I ask, mind going out to her.
      Hi Kwan!
      I get an image from her that suggests she’s hiding in her room peeking between the blinds. A gang of two dozen men has formed on her street and they are flipping a car as she watches.
      Oh no, I’m all right , says Reiki. Those men won’t bother our house. They’re just lashing out at car owners .
      Stay safe. I’ll be in touch .
      My brother is okay, when I feel for his mind. I gather he’s in his room playing. My parents and grandfather live as well. I would know instantly if they came to suffer harm.
      I spot Harry from school. He stands near the power-station, having just detached a length of cable with a handsaw. I wave to get his attention. When he sees me, he loops the cable over his shoulder and comes over.
      “Kwan, you should have seen it. They killed Pertran’s group. They have their heads all lined up on pikes behind the textile plant.”
      “This is terrible. So much chaos.”
      “Yeh but there’s no school. That’s awesome.”
      “Hi. I’m Greg,” says my boyfriend, releasing my arm in order to extend a hand.
      “Hi Greg. I’m Harry.”
      They shake hands. Greg’s thoughts read curiosity about the cable Harry grips over his shoulder. I’ll have to explain to him later that Harry will sell it for coin. Greg is probably not used to the kind of looting that will happen today.
      Harry excuses himself quickly to rejoin the scavenging, leaving Greg and me staring at chaos.
      “Come, Kwan, I’ll walk you back to the house since your school is closed today.”
      “I need to go to my grandfather’s. In this mess there’s no one to bring him his lunch.”
      “Is it safe enough for me to leave you there? I got exams this afternoon and I can’t afford to miss them, or my GPA will drop.”
      “It should be safe. I sense no trouble from his mind.”
      “Come, then.”
      I point out the direction, and we hustle away from the looters.

  Everything is quiet at Shining Star Palliative since it’s far enough from the trouble area.
      Once they buzz the door open for me, Greg gathers me into a parting hug. He kisses me on the cheekbone right by the nose. It’s so surprising, I almost slip and let the door close and re-latch. I stand there for a moment, watching him leave. His touch lingers, burning the back of my neck where he cradled my head.
      Grandpa sleeps when I enter his ward. I sit in a an armchair quietly to wait. But there’s sadness in the air, pecking at my spirit. I become determined to find the source.
      I reach out to Reiki. She’s still in her room, sitting on her bed against a mound of pillows, reading a library book. No thoughts of imminent danger from her. My parents are still okay. I can even sense Hattie, who blissfully sleeps, thoughts etched in relief to be free from school.
      I reach out to Kajo, not harbouring much hope of getting him through his

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