Unexpected Marriage

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Book: Unexpected Marriage by Sheena Morrish Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheena Morrish
on his face though as he buried his face in her shoulder and breathed deeply inhaling her natural scent of vanilla and almonds.
    “You should ask my mother to show you her garden. She’s more proud of that than anything else, including me I think!” Jake told her and Kaycee laughed even as she took him up on that request and followed his mother out to the gorgeous gardens that were filled with every kind of flower imaginable while Jake and his father talked business inside.
    “Wow, this smells amazing! What is it?” Kaycee asked and Jake’s mom smiled at her.
    “Lilly of the Valley! It’s quite beautiful, and it’s Jake’s favorite flower too. You know I’d always hoped I’d have grandchildren by now!” she confided and Kaycee glanced at her startled.
    “Jake’s not even thirty yet, I mean there’s plenty of time for grandchildren!” Kaycee offered and his mom nodded.
    “I know that, I mean he’s thirty next year and there is plenty of time. But I won’t be here forever and sometimes I just despair that I will ever have a daughter-in-law or grandchildren. It may seem wrong of me but sometimes I actually wished that one of his women would accidentally become pregnant with his child,” she said sadly and Kaycee froze in dismay.
    “Accidentally get pregnant?” she repeated and his mom laughed.
    “I know it’s a foolish idea and would have been cruel for the poor girl, but you know these things happen and I have no doubt that Jake would be a great father, I just hope he settles down before it’s too late!” his mom said as she bent to examine some flowers while Kaycee stood frozen, stuck on the last things she had said.
    “Accidentally pregnant?”
    It couldn’t be possible. They had only been together three days, there was no way that she could be… could she?
    She placed her hand over flat stomach and prayed though for what she wasn’t sure. She didn’t want to be pregnant; god knows this would be the worst timing ever! And yet… What if she was? The image of a tiny Jake appealed and she didn’t know if she was really hoping that she wasn’t pregnant or wishing that she was!

    “Are you alright?”
    Jerked out of thought by Jake’s mother Kaycee turned her wide startled eyes to her unaware of how pale she had become.
    “What? Yes… no… I…” she said unable to form a coherent thought.
    “You look a little pale dear,” his mother said kindly and Kaycee struggled to summon a smile as she took slow breaths.
    “I’m suddenly feeling ill, would you mind if I used your bathroom?” Kaycee asked as a sense of nausea filled her.
    “Of course, it’s up the stairs second on the left.”
    Kaycee turned and followed the directions as she struggled to keep her breakfast down and her mind continued to focus on just one thing.
    She knew of course that it wasn’t likely. She had only known Jake three days and even though she had been a virgin Kaycee knew that it took weeks before you could even tell let alone be feeling any symptoms. And yet just the fact that she knew they hadn’t been using protection was enough to panic her.
    Reaching the bathroom after what felt like forever Kaycee closed the door carefully behind her and collapsed back against it. Her heart was hammering in her chest so hard she thought it might burst out and all because his mother had mentioned babies.
    “You are not pregnant.” she said firmly as she crossed to stand in front of her reflection noting the paleness of her skin and the way her eyes now looked like giant green pools on her small face.
    But you could be, her reflection mocked and she narrowed her eyes at herself.
    “It’s only been three days, you can’t get pregnant that quick!” Kaycee told herself firmly trying hard to believe it.
    You could be carrying his baby right now
    “That’s ridiculous, I would know!” Kaycee told herself even as one hand crept to her belly as though trying to protect the imaginary life

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