Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)

Read Online Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) by Nikki Williams - Free Book Online

Book: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) by Nikki Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Williams
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just wanted to check on you, I will let you get back to your unpacking.”
    “Thanks Bobby,” I smile and hang up my phone.
    “You have a lot of worriers in your life don’t you?” Jake rubs my arm.
    “You could say that.” I smile at the thought of my sides of the conversations that he has heard tonight.  “Most of them will probably call me tomorrow, like my brother, and Jarrod’s parents.”
    “You still close to them?”
    “Jarrod’s parents? Yes, absolutely I am.  They are the girl’s grandparents and have been a major help.  They actually bought my house so that the girls and I could move out.”
    “You have a lot of supporters don’t you?”
    “I would have never made it through the last two years if I didn’t.  My mom and step dad have saved me a lot of times when I was ready to give up.  I actually pretty much lived at their house for the last six months.  I couldn’t bear going back to the house.  I never thought it would be this hard.  If I would have known that it would be so hard I would have sold the house right away and moved, but it seemed right to try and make it work there.  I mean we moved in the summer before I had Lizzy so that is the only place the girls know.”
    “I can’t imagine going through something like that.  I tell you what, from what I have seen tonight and what you told me I think you are probably the strongest person I know.  I mean you take the bull by the horns and rattle him around just to make him mad,” he laughs.
    I look up at him, “I don’t think I would ever come face to face with a bull,” I giggle.  There is that stupid teenager again, and I blush.
    “I think it’s cute when you blush like that.” He teases me.
    “Oh be quiet,” I sit up.  I look over at the clock and it is after 10:00 already.
    “I think I should get going, I do have to get up in the morning for practice.”
    “On a Saturday?”
    “Yes, on a Saturday, that is why I make the big bucks, I don’t get weekends off,” he jokes.  He finishes his beer and stands up.  “Walk me out?”
    “Of course,” I smile and stand up.  “You think I will ever trust to not lock my doors after tonight,” I laugh.
    “I would hope not,” he opens the bedroom door for me. 
    “I had a lot of fun tonight,” I say as I unlock the front door and pull it open.
    “I did too, we should do it again.”
    “Sure,” I can’t help that stupid smile.
    “What are you doing for lunch tomorrow?”
    “I thought you had practice?”
    “I do, but I will be done by about 11:30.  Maybe we can do something after?”
    “I think we can figure something out.”
    “Sounds good,” he walks out the door then turns and faces me.  He put his finger under my chin and pulls up so that I am looking right into those beautiful blue eyes, “I had a great night, thank you,” he says and kisses my cheek.  I get instant butterflies.
    “I did too,” I almost whisper, then almost like on a switch I blush.
    “We will have to work on the confidence of yours,” he smiles and lets my chin go.  I can still feel his lips on my cheek as he turns and walks to his car.  He stops and turns back around, “I will text you when I get home.”
    I can’t help but smile, “I'm looking forward to it.”  I watch him get into his car and drive off.  Wow, what an eventful night.  It’s crazy that with all the things going on today my mind is only on Jake right now.
    “Well he was a very handsome young man,” I hear my neighbor Lilly say.  I jump a little because I did not know she was sitting on her porch.
    “Ms. Morrison, I didn’t know you were out here.”
    “I'm sorry sweetheart and please call me Lilly,” she smiles at me.  I walk closer to her.  “So he is a new friend?”  She asks.
    I smile, “You could say that.  Hoping more though,” I look over at her.  “Please don’t tell anyone that he was here though.  I'm not ready for that yet.  We just met last night.”
    “My lips are

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