Unexpected Interruptions

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Book: Unexpected Interruptions by Trice Hickman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trice Hickman
that’s what makes life interesting . . . the unexpected,” she smiled.
    â€œYes, Victoria, it does.”
    After the love song set ended, the band broke for intermission and everyone returned to the table. Victoria’s friends exchanged friendly hellos with Ted before he excused himself and headed back to his table. After he left, all eyes were on Victoria.
    â€œWho was that?” Debbie asked in an excited voice.
    â€œOh, Ted? He’s the acting CEO of ViaTech,” Victoria answered.
    â€œYeah, and he wants to get with you,” Tyler grinned, taking a sip of his Ketel One.
    Victoria laughed. “I can assure you he’s not interested in me. But you or Rob, on the other hand, are probably more his flavor,” she whispered with raised brows.
    â€œHe’s gay?” Debbie whispered back.
    Tyler shook his head. “Gay men don’t look at women the way he was lookin’ at you.”
    â€œWhat do you mean? How was he looking at me?”
    â€œLike someone just handed him a one-way ticket to heaven. Trust me, I’m a man, and I know that look.”
    â€œWell, you’re wrong. As a matter of fact he’s here with his boyfriend. They’re sitting in the back, in the far left corner. But don’t look now,” Victoria cautioned.
    But as soon as she finished her sentence, the entire table turned and looked at the same time. “He looks so masculine. He doesn’t seem gay,” Debbie commented.
    â€œNot all gay men are effeminate,” Victoria said, taking a sip of her cosmopolitan.
    Tyler spoke up again. “He might be here with another dude, but that doesn’t mean he’s gay. I’m tellin’ you, he was lookin’ at you the way a man looks at a woman when he’s interested.”
    Rob nodded his head in agreement. “I’ve got to agree with Tyler,” he said, “he looked like he was into you.”
    â€œSee, I told you. I know that look,” Tyler said again. He knew it because it was the way he used to look at Juliet—the one who got away.
    â€œIs that the way you look at me?” Allison asked abruptly. Tyler didn’t answer. His avoidance was blatant, causing a heavy tension to fall over the table.
    Debbie cleared her throat, breaking the chilly mood. “We have some good news,” she announced with a cautious smile. “Rob just got a promotion. He’s the new director of accounting.”
    â€œCongratulations!” everyone said in unison.
    â€œThanks, I’m really excited about this opportunity,” Rob smiled. Debbie tried to share his enthusiasm but her mood was growing tepid.
    Victoria could sense her friend’s change in disposition. “Debbie, what’s wrong?” she asked.
    â€œOh, Victoria, she’s fine,” Allison smirked in her usual crass manner. “What wife wouldn’t be when her husband is finally moving up? That’s a look of relief if you ask me.”
    Rob and Debbie shot Allison a look that could’ve killed a rattlesnake, while Tyler shook his head in frustration, taking a big gulp from his glass.
    The nerve of this heifer, Victoria slowly simmered, giving Allison a death stare. “Well, I wasn’t asking you” . . . bitch, she wanted to say, but refrained. “I was asking Debbie.” The tension returned, and the table fell silent as Joe Sample’s piano serenaded in the background.
    Debbie turned her glare away from Allison and began to speak. “Victoria, you know me so well.” Rob took her hand and held it tight. “Rob’s promotion is for a position in his company’s Miami office. We’ll be moving in a few weeks. It’s all happening so fast. We have to find a new home, and we’ll be leaving you guys,” Debbie sighed.
    â€œDebbie,” Tyler said, “you’ve been saying you need a break from teaching, so maybe this’ll be an opportunity for you to do that.

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