
Read Online Undertow by Cherry Adair - Free Book Online

Book: Undertow by Cherry Adair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherry Adair
Tags: Romance
ubiquitous cowboy hat. Ćolson·s doing some research for me, and Saul·s giving him a hand. What are we waiting for?µ
    Ŕyan·s going to join us in a minute.µ Zane gestured to the ocean. Ĺet·s suit up. I·l take you al on a mini tour to whet your appetite.µ
    Í don·t have a wet suit,µ Teal said regretful y, her yearning gaze going to the water.
    Í have extras.µ Maggie came to her rescue. She sized Teal with her eyes.
    ´You·re tal er, but we can·t be that much different in size. Come on, let·s go to my cabin and see what we can find for you.µ
    Ryan stepped aside to let the women through the doorway. He took a moment to admire the view from behind before joining Zane and Ben on deck. Zane made a mental note to give him a hands-off warning when they were alone.
    Ńot the first time you·ve brought a woman with us,µ Ben mused. ´But Teal·s different.µ
    ´Yeah. Contrary and with an attitude,µ Zane said dryly. ´Wil iams isn·t a girlfriend,µ he pointed out in case the guys g ot the wrong message. Śhe·s the mechanic Logan hired to take over from Sam.µ
    ´Yeah. Maggie mentioned that.µ Ben drank his coffee. Śhe·s got that quiet sort of beauty that takes a man by surprise.µ
    ´Haven·t noticed,µ Zane muttered. Śhe·s just a member of the crew.µ Like hel .
    Ben gave him an innocent look. Ĺike Ryan here, or Maggie?µ
    Ńo.µ Zane glanced at his watch. Śhe·s less experienced.µ

    ´Doesn·t look like either Ryan or my Maggie in that swimsuit.µ
    Turning around to look was knee-jerk. Big mistake.
    Every pale, silky inch of Teal was revealed in a modest, black one -piece swimsuit as she carried Maggie·s borrowed wet suit out on deck. She had long gorgeous legs, a slender body, and smal , high breasts. Al lovingly displayed in a thin layer of ny lon. Zane just about swal owed his tongue. He instantly felt himself go hard as stone, his erection so swift and painful he had to turn to the rail and shift his weight to ease the discomfort of it.
    That didn·t stop him from looking, and taking his fil , however.
    Her clothes had been a pretty damned effective camouflage for a spectacular, athletic body.
    It took a second for him to notice that she wasn·t at al comfortable being so exposed.
    Unfortunately, for him, now that he·d seen what she·d hidden benea th baggy clothes and a bad haircut, he wasn·t sure he·d ever be able to see her other than as revealed as she was now.
    Seeing his stare, Teal lifted her chin and gave him a ´fuck offµ look that should·ve singed his eyebrows. Zane grinned and gave her a thumbs-up. She looked away.
    Good. He couldn·t think about seeing her in little more than one thin layer of stretchy fabric.
    Instead, he concentrated on getting geared up. He pul ed the stretchy neoprene suit over his shoulders and zipped it as Teal and the others did the same. They c hecked the O rings on the tanks, slid the regulators over the top and tested the mouthpieces for airflow, then strapped their tanks onto their buoyancy compensators, or BCs.
    Zane turned, standing his tank toward him, then reached down, slipping his arms t hrough the BC, and slung the whole contraption smoothly up and over his head to land on his back.
    The wet suit did interesting things to her tal slender body. Zane·s heart did a pleasant little tap dance in his chest as he secured his weight belt and seat ed his diver·s knife on his thigh.
    There were three other divers waiting to go in the water, but the only one he saw was Teal.
    ´God, yes.µ
    They adjusted their masks in unison, put their regulators in their mouths, and stepped off the dive platform, holding their masks in place.

Chapter 4
    Sometimes, Zane thought, being under the water was almost better than sex.
    Teal stayed beside him as they descended into a silent world of stunningly clear turquoise water, dappled by the filtered gold rays of the waking morning.

    Fingers of shifting light speared like honey to highlight the tips of the

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