Undercover Seduction

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Book: Undercover Seduction by Gemma Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gemma Hart
                  It’d be useful to find out who was next in line for promotion. That person would have the best information about the higher ups.
                  Wiggy turned to me in surprise, clearly having forgotten I was there. He raised a brow at me in question and then a slow, creeping grin crossed his face. “Ah,” he said knowingly, “so the little accountant is a table chaser, is she?”
                  Table chaser?
                  “Like the big men with the big power, huh?” he said, his voice becoming an octave lower.
                  “No, of course not,” I said in a haughty voice. “I just like to know that I’m sitting at a table worth my time.”
                  Playing the quivering maiden would certainly not do me any favors with the Desmond Mafia men and would most definitely not win me the attention of Marco Desmond. But I wasn’t quite sure if playing the brave and headstrong new Mafia hire was going to be any better.
                  Chairs scraped behind me as I saw men rise to greet Roy goodnight as he left the dining hall, followed by the other men of the head table.
                  Well, at least now I didn’t have to worry so much about being seductive while eating a steak, which seemed like an impossible task if I ever heard of one.
                  Maybe now I could focus on getting more information from the men at my table before they left and—
                  I turned back towards my table and immediately swallowed hard. Without the head table there to enforce the dinner etiquette, the men at my table now stared at me with the hungry and lascivious look of a wolf on the hunt.
                  Wiggy carefully set down his drink, his thin face darkened with intent. “Worth your time, eh?” he said slowly. He looked at me, his eyes several shades darker. The entire table was looking at me like I was naked and dancing in front of them.
                  “Would you like us to show you exactly how much your time is worth?” Wiggy said.
                  I pressed my lips together, keeping my face cool and neutral even though my heart was pounding so hard it was nearly bruising my ribs. Every time I felt like I had a moderate handle in being in the heart of the Desmond Family, I was always met with a harsh reminder of just how dangerous it really was.
                  I gave a short, cool smile. “I think not,” I said and quickly rose to my feet, feeling that a speedy exit was my best chance.
                  I headed towards the doors when a hand shot out to grab my wrist, whirling me around and throwing me up against the wall.
                  My head smacked hard against the wall in a whiplash moment and I winced as sparks flew across my eyes.
                  But when I opened my eyes, the pain only worsened at the sight of nine men slowly closing rank around me. I tried to look over their heads to see what help may be around. A stray maid maybe? But the men were too tall for me to see anything but their hungry faces.
                  My body felt sluggish and slow as it fought against the debilitating alcohol. I could feel a subtle shaking take over my body as I began to realize just how dangerous my situation was.
                  Wiggy kept a firm hold on my wrist as he pinned me against the wall. His other hand slid intimately across my hips. I wriggled, hating his inescapable touch. Oh god, what could I do to get away? Would anyone in a crime family stop a rape? Would they even care?
                  Suddenly Wiggy’s hand shot down and cupped me hard between my legs. “Want us to show you exactly how much this is worth?” he breathed harshly against my

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