Under Witch Curse (Moon Shadow Series)

Read Online Under Witch Curse (Moon Shadow Series) by Maria Schneider - Free Book Online

Book: Under Witch Curse (Moon Shadow Series) by Maria Schneider Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Schneider
Tags: Urban Fantasy, Magic, Witches, Werewolf, warlock, weres, shape shifters, moon shadow series
engineer. I hadn’t known he was Gordon because he had completely failed to mention that he was a cop, related to White Feather, or was anyone but a doting boyfriend.
    I had never made the connection. I was willing to bet my best friend hadn’t made the connection either, because she would have mentioned it.
    Gordon, aka Jim, shrugged and gave a quiet, assured laugh. “No harm done.”
    It was bad enough that he had chosen to spring his identity on me in front of a family gathering. Hurting for my friend over his deceit only made me escalate to furious that much faster. Mat didn’t know he was a cop. If he was using her to gain inside information into the magical underground, she was going to hit him with a spell that might blow up half the plaza.
    He was lucky I wasn’t carrying any spells with firepower. Witches had a hard enough time trusting men; on top of the usual scum who discarded women carelessly, there were groupies, naysayers, and the worst of all, those who “wanted to see what it was like to be with a witch.” From Gordon’s smug attitude, it appeared that he was in a race to lock in a spot on the lowest part of the totem pole.
    White Feather squeezed my fingers, his own tension ratcheting a notch. “Gordon, what are you up to now?” He switched his attention to me. “You haven’t met Gordon yet?”
    I shook my head. “No, I only met Jim. Mat’s boyfriend, the impressive and successful engineer who has been spending a lot of time with her.”
    “We’ve been at enough crime scenes...but I guess we’ve never actually run into him.” Light dawned on White Feather’s face as he sorted through the times I had had the opportunity to meet Gordon face-to-face. But it had never happened, and maybe someone in this room had been actively avoiding it.
    Well, here went positive first impressions. I swallowed my desire to throw a firecracker spell in Gordon’s lap and said, “Twenty-four hours. If you don’t tell her, I will.”
    That wiped the smile off his face. His eyes turned a darker brown, and he sat up straighter. “It’s none of your business.”
    “She’s my best friend. I guarantee you it’s better if you let her down easy because when I tell her, I won’t sugar coat that you aren’t who you’ve been pretending to be.”
    A breeze swirled in the air, a warning from White Feather. I tore my anger away from Gordon, my muscles clenched for a fight. If White Feather sided with his brother, I didn’t even have a home to escape to, not in the middle of vampire hours. But I wasn’t going to stand here and watch some guy smirk his way through dinner at the way he’d put one over on my best friend. I couldn’t blame White Feather for standing by his family, but what about Mat? She was as close to me as family, closer if you considered that my sister Kas and I barely spoke.
    Before I could defend my decision, White Feather said, “Wait a minute. Mat doesn’t know him as Gordon?”
    My finger jabbed the air in the direction of the dinner table. “I didn’t know him as Gordon either. If Mat had known, she’d have mentioned it. So far as she knows, he’s Jim. Not a cop. Not your brother. Just a guy who cared .”
    “Hey, I do care!”
    I whirled back to him. “Not enough to be honest with her,” I snarled.
    White Feather tugged on my hand, probably to prevent me from launching myself over the table. “Gordon, are you out of your mind? You’ve been dating a witch for how long? And you didn’t tell her you were a cop? You lied about who you are to your girlfriend?”
    Gordon’s eyes narrowed, but before he could respond, White Feather turned to me and said, “You might want to give him forty-eight hours. After we eat, he’ll have time to check in with work. If I were in his shoes, I’d clear my schedule.”
    “Hey, whose side are you on, anyway? You know my job! Some of us don’t get to entice chicks with fancy magic. You could at least stand by your own brother here. I’ll tell

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