Under His Roof

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Book: Under His Roof by Sadey Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadey Quinn
to think of that?!
    Thursday at work is painful. Not physically painful, but mentally exhausting. Secretary from Hell is clearly trying to make my life miserable. Even though I’m nicer than normal, I cannot help but snap at her when I’ve found she has mis-categorized about thirty of our clients’ files. I am on the verge of firing her when she starts crying and sniffling and my heart lurches at the sight.
    “What’s wrong?” I snap, though I’m trying to be patient. “Why are you crying?”
    “I just… I never do anything right!” she sniffles. “And… and my boyfriend just broke up with me… and I’m trying to be strong but it’s so hard, Rachel!”
    Okay, okay … Secretary from Hell is an actual human being. I must remember this. I send her home for the day after giving her a well-meant but awkward hug. I enlist the help of a temp, who actually seems fairly sharp, to re-categorize the files and I spend the rest of the afternoon doing boring check-in meetings with my team. Mandatory but, in my opinion, totally unnecessary.
    In my mind I’ve already spent way too much time with people today but I still have a late dinner with a client. I put on earrings and thigh-highs and change into high heels. I try to look professional yet also sexy because this client likes to flirt. My cell buzzes as I drive to the restaurant and I see it’s my mother. Sighing, I click ‘ignore’. In spite of making time for my friends, I still haven’t quite managed to bring my family back into my life.
    Mr. Lucas Gunderson is not on time, per usual, so I order a bottle of wine and pull out his file to go over the options we have organized for him. His company is launching a new advertisement campaign all over the county and he’s become my most important client.
    “Rachel!” I look up from the files to see he’s arrived. A discreet look at my watch tells me he’s just fifteen minutes late. He’s gained some more weight, and his belly topples over his belt like it wants to escape.
    “Mr. Gunderson,” I say, standing up to shake his hand. He pulls me in and gives me a wet kiss on the cheek. “How’ve you been?” I put on my happiest smile, like I’m thrilled to see him and can’t wait to catch up.
    “Oh, you know, busy as always.”
    “And the kids?” I like to bring up the kids. And the wife.
    “They’re great.” He sits down and looks happy to be off his feet. “Pat is off to high school next year. Pretty exciting times! I’m hoping she makes varsity.”
    “Tennis, right?”
    “That’s right. My, you have a sharp memory. Are you this good with all your clients?”
    “Only the ones who are as nice as you, Mr. Gunderson,” I say with a sweet smile, leaning in a little. Let the flirting begin.
    Just then I see a figure I recognize at the front of the restaurant. David. With a woman. Whoa . An incredibly attractive, mind-numbingly beautiful woman. Blond hair spills down her back in perfect, shiny waves. She could be a model for a shampoo commercial. A gorgeous black evening gown with an open back shows off her slim figure. David puts his hand on the small of her back, leading her to their table. He’s on a date.
    I am instantly jealous and angry.
    “What’re you staring at?” Mr. Gunderson asks, following my gaze across the restaurant. I realize my mouth is hanging wide open and I snap it shut and turn my attention back to my client.
    “Nothing. Sorry. An old friend.”
    “Well, why don’t you go say hi? Go on, I’ll still be here when you get back.”
    I shake my head. I would prefer not to say hi. “No, thanks. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him, and we weren’t very close friends. Acquaintances, really.” I will change the subject. “So, I’m under the impression that you’re interested in changing our campaign a bit.”
    “Yes, dear, but let’s not talk business yet. I want to know more about what’s going on with you.”
    I fight the urge to roll my eyes and continue the game I

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