Under Control

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Book: Under Control by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
are cold.” His hushed voice heated Gabriel’s shoulder, and he eased closer, keeping his feet off his partner.
    They watched Jayla for a minute. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, and in repose, her lashes were incredibly long and lush. She wore several red marks on her throat and breasts from their rough attentions.
    “I have to admit I like seeing her in our bed,” Joey whispered.
    Funny how close their thoughts ran, like two long lines of gunpowder ending in the same explosive. Together they combusted. Gabriel feared that Jayla might be another line. How was that even possible?
    Maybe this wasn’t real. Maybe he was suffering some strange aftereffects from the blast. At least his hearing was already improved. He couldn’t say the same for his emotions.
    Earlier he’d gone into her apartment before her to ensure her ex wasn’t skulking around waiting for her. Everything about Jayla’s space had felt at once familiar. From the few knickknacks on the shelves to her toothbrush lying on the bathroom sink, it was as if he’d done all this before. And with her.
    “I like her here too,” he admitted to Joey.
    His lover flexed his arm around him, drawing him closer still. “I read through any gruffness you dish out, but she doesn’t know you. You’ll have to tell her how you feel.”
    Gabriel glanced at Jayla’s sleeping face again. So lovely, so vulnerable. Yet she possessed an inner fire. He was just waiting for her to reveal it. She hadn’t totally come out of her shell with them, but he suspected it was only a matter of time. And when she did, Lord help them. She’d be the spark to their gunpowder.
    Whatever happened, they’d watch out for her. And next time, she’d need to invite them into her bed. It was the only way to find out if she was just caught up in the moment or really, truly wanted them.
    “The cops don’t know Blaine’s whereabouts. We can’t trust him not to find her,” Gabriel said quietly. “Does it bother you to have her stay here?”
    Joey gave a small shake of his head. “Not at all. It’s nice to have company when you’re on the job. She distracted me.”
    Gabriel arched a brow. “Is that so?”
    Joey gave him that crooked smile, the one he’d fallen for months ago. “Not in that way. Unless you give the go ahead.”
    “Who am I to stop a man from sinking into that tight pussy?” He lifted the sheet so they could see the dark shadow between Jayla’s soft thighs. His cock grew steely at a single glance.
    Long fingers wrapped around his base, and he stared into his lover’s eyes. Joey pumped him with one glide that had him gasping. “You want to think of me fucking her while you’re fighting fires?”
    “Fuck yeah.” He shook from the building need inside him. Clinging to anything good in the world was imperative to his mental health while at work. Especially on days like today when he’d carried the unresponsive child out of the burning house.
    Joey stroked the sensitive underside of his shaft. Pushing his hips upward, Gabriel filled his partner’s hand completely with his arousal.
    “And when I’m pouring drinks I want to think of you licking her pussy. I want to come home and taste her on you.”
    A ragged breath left Gabriel. He covered Joey’s hand and positioned it where he wanted it. Jayla added spice, all right. But they couldn’t just use her.
    Gabriel bit Joey’s earlobe. “We need to let her come to us. It’s not right to pressure her.”
    “You’re right. I won’t make any moves.” Joey’s expression told Gabriel he had no such reserves about their relationship. Thank God.
    “As good as your fingers feel around my cock, I need to get up. I need a shower, food, and a few minutes alone to call the station.”
    Joey groaned and released him. Gabriel rolled out of bed once more and went into the bathroom. Minutes later when he returned for clothes, he found the bed empty. Voices drifted from the guest room.
    “How will you find him?” Joey

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