Undead and Unappreciated

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Book: Undead and Unappreciated by MaryJanice Davidson Read Free Book Online
Authors: MaryJanice Davidson
leggings, stick with the mock and the blazer, and change into sandals. No, it was thirty degrees outside. Not that I was going outside. But you weren’t really dressed until your toes had something under them. Penny loafers, I guessed.
    I was just putting my bargains back into the closet when there was a knock at my door.
    â€œCome in, Jess.”
    â€œWell, I thought you looked cute,” she said by way of greeting.
    â€œI think he’s right. I’m too tall. You’d look good in that outfit. You want it?”
    â€œNo thanks. I want to talk about what happened earlier—” She glanced out the window. “You got time?”
    â€œYeah, half an hour, at least.” I never saw the sun, though it couldn’t hurt me. One of the perks of being the vampire queen. “Ugh, how awful was that whole thing?”
    â€œNo wonder Sinclair was so interested in tagging along tonight,” she added, sitting next to me on the bed. “He knew, and he didn’t tell you. Didn’t warn you or anything.”
    â€œI know ! See, see? Everyone’s all ‘Oh, give Sinclair a chance, he’s not so bad’ because they don’t see the evil, dark, yukky, nutty side of him. He is the Almond Joy of my life.”
    â€œHoney, I’m convinced. That was pretty sneaky, even for him. Are you okay? It must have been a shock. You want another cup of tea or something?”
    â€œNo.” I wanted not to be dead, but of course that wasn’t happening anytime soon. No point bitching about it right that minute. But knowing me, I’d get back to it later. “I’m so full of tea I’m seeping. Thanks for smacking him for me.”
    â€œIt was either bonk him on the head or stab him with his own butter knife.”
    â€œThat could have been fun. And thanks for evicting him.”
    â€œI don’t think it’ll work.” She frowned. “He won’t leave.”
    â€œVampires and cockroaches. They’re impossible to get out of the ducts.”
    â€œSo, what? What does this mean?”
    â€œI have no idea. I was starting to get used to the Ant being knocked up.”
    â€œOkay, you’re right, I was still kind of freaked. But now I’m sort of getting used to the idea that I’ve got another sibling, never mind that she’s the daughter of the devil. Not the Ant. The devil . But—and stop me if you’ve heard this before—what am I supposed to do about it?”
    Jessica shrugged.
    â€œThere’s gotta be more to it than that. I suppose I’ll have to go to him and get the rest of the story.”
    â€œScrew that.”
    â€œAmen.” I flopped down onto my bedspread. “I knew it was too quiet around here,” I mumbled into my pillow. “Something was bound to happen. I was expecting zombies to come out of the walls or something.”
    â€œBets, I think it’s time.”
    â€œYes, it is. You need it, and you’re ready.”
    â€œIt’s too soon.”
    â€œI know it’s scary,” she said, rubbing my back, “but you’ll feel better. You know it’s the right thing to do.”
    â€œI’m not ready,” I replied, scared.
    â€œYes. You are. It’s okay, I’ll be there with you.”
    I shook my head, but she wouldn’t be dissuaded.
    The next evening…
    â€œOh my Gawd, ” the pedicurist said. “ What have you been doing with your feet ?”
    â€œShe’s been dead for the last six months,” Jessica said helpfully from the opposite chair.
    â€œI don’t care, that’s no excuse . Gawd, they’re like hooves . You’ve got to take better care of them. What about that cucumber cream I gave you last spring? It doesn’t apply itself, y’know.”
    â€œI’ve been busy,” I said defensively. “You know, with stuff.” Solving murders. Trying to run

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