Uncovering You 10: The Finale
they’ll do to me.
    But…nothing comes. The bright floodlight overhead is pointed directly at my face. It feels like being in a dentist’s chair…in some crude, faraway, horrible country.
    My thrashing comes to a stop. Whatever remaining strength I have seeps away. In its place, I feel only emptiness. Nothing.
    I feel numb.
    I turn my head to the side, expecting to see my captors. But the room is empty. I look to the other side. Same thing.
    Now apprehension takes hold of me. Now pure terror cuts in.
    A door opens. I lift my head. A single man walks inside.
    He’s…not one of the others. He has the same ski mask covering the top half of his face, but he’s wearing a suit. A pale, beige Armani suit.
    Something about it sparks a distant memory. An association.
    Familiarity .
    Whatever it is, it’s too far away to reach.
    The man has his hands in his pockets. In his mouth—a wad of gum.
    He chews obnoxiously. Loudly. He makes a circle around me, his slow, plodding chewing driving me crazy.
    He stops at one side. Reaches down and puts his hands on the edge of the table. Drums his fingers against the surface, looks me in the eyes.
    And then, he extends one hand and touches my lip.
    I recoil.
    “T-t-tut,” he says, shaking his head. His finger dabs up a bit of my blood. He brings it to his lips and tastes it.
    And then blows a big pink bubble that bursts with a loud Pop .
    “Do you know me?” he asks.
    There is something about his voice. It is instantly familiar. But I’m too scared to remember. I couldn’t for the life of me say whose it is.
    I close my eyes. Shudder. Shake my head, no .
    “A shame,” he tells me. “For I remember you very, very well, Lilly Ryder.”
    He rips his mask off. And my eyes nearly bulge out of my head when I see who it is.
    Esteban .
    Esteban, the man I met when Stonehart first called me his girlfriend. Esteban, the man Jeremy annexed and deposed. Esteban, the man whose position was promised to me within his Israeli tech firm.
    The worst kind of terror fills me. Jeremy Stonehart spoke about having enemies. I had no idea it could cut so close to the bone.
    Esteban giggles. It’s a strange sound, coming from a man. A man in position of absolute power over me, as I am strapped in and naked on the operating table before him.
    A sick insanity is reflected in his eyes. “Aha,” he says. “It seems you do remember me, after all.”
    “How—how could you…? Why? Why me? What do you want?”
    He raises his brows. “Isn’t it obvious?” he asks. “I want that which was stolen from me. You, Lilly Ryder…” he traces a finger along the side of my stomach, circling a particular spot,”…will be my key to retrieving it.”
    He brings two fingers to his lips, kisses the tips, and seals my mouth with that same touch.
    “Until we meet again,” he promises, and walks out of the room.


Chapter Thirteen

    My mind is running at a thousand miles per minute. I can’t even speak fast enough to voice my thoughts.
    Not like there’s anyone who could hear me here.
    Esteban is behind this? Behind my kidnapping, my imprisonment? Esteban, the man whom Jeremy had dismissed as too weak, too soft?
    Shit. I’m so scared. So utterly terrified. Jeremy took Dextran away from Esteban by force. It was a hostile takeover. He wanted their facilities, their technology. He used it to launch Stonehart Industries’ new phone.
    The battery. In the collar. That was technology developed at Dextran too. Wasn’t it? It’s why Jeremy wanted them so badly. Maybe, because of my affinity with that, he wanted to make me CEO.
    I didn’t even think that part was real, back then. I still remember the meek man who stormed out the room after Jeremy’s announcement of the takeover.
    Now, that same meek man is holding me here.
    Jeremy’s connected. Jeremy’s at fault. He pushed Esteban over the edge. Pushed him past the brink of sanity. Esteban was fragile, and Jeremy shattered him completely. He made him

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