Unconquered Sun

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Book: Unconquered Sun by Philipp Bogachev Read Free Book Online
Authors: Philipp Bogachev
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earlier it was lonely, but now it has Prinze and two remarkable kids. It became twice pleasant to help persons in need it, when at you the world and love reigns in soul - you share them with others more willingly!
    Suddenly the Fairy felt how something pricked her in heart, and right there ceased to laugh. The intuition prompted to it: some trouble befell Prinze again!
    "Really he got to make some next feat again?! - nearly having screamed aloud from disappointment, the Fairy thought. - Well as Prinze will not understand that I do not need his feats! From them only concern, only tears and experiences! No, it is simply intolerable! It is necessary to find urgently it, while the getting is good!"
    Without thinking twice, the Fairy brought the handle to a celestial-blue stone analyzer that is in the middle of a silver hoop on her head to start a search spell as there was unforeseen …
    BREAK! Break because of the Limit! It is impossible!
    The fairy distinctly heard wild whistle, reached from where from the East, from the Limit, and then - not less wild shouts, squeal, a shouting, grunting, low and other shrill inarticulate sounds.
    "Only not now! - she thought. - Only not now! Years five were not any breaks, everything was quiet and peaceful, and then when I receive disturbing signals from Prinze …" - And the Fairy from disappointment pritopnut a leg.
    And in a moment she felt how the Analyzer on its hoop began to vibrate:
    - The keeper of the Limit No. 3, the Keeper of the Limit No. 3, the Senior Keeper Predela causes … - fancies rushed in her head. - We have an unprecedented Break in all four directions. Immediately undertake the direction 3: sector 3-07 and 3-08. There already sisters No. 1 and No. 2 work. Be immediately connected. Yes the Creator will be with you!
    - Yes sir, elder sister! Immediately I start execution of a task! - the Fairy reported, it was impossible to disobey the order of the Senior Keeper.
    Under the Charter any fairy had to neglect everything, even children if it was necessary for protection of the Sacred Principles of the Order and Prosperity. It was obvious to each inhabitant Podnebesya that wellbeing of the whole world is more important, than wellbeing of a separate individual. "Together we - everything, separately - anything!", "itself perish, and - help out the world entrusted you by the Creator!", "you for Community, but not Community for you!" - the Fairy remembered common truths which inspired in them at each lesson in the first class of School. It could not go against them.
    Besides, creatures because of the Limit could reach the inhabited areas, and it was absolutely inadmissible. As it is known to each fairy from a school bench, people - the main object of Guardianship of Community in Tselestiya. The person is the most favourite creation of the Creator, and fairies are created to carry out his will, in it sense of their existence. So they were taught at School, also the Fairy so trusted …
    And therefore, reluctantly, it postponed the initial intention to immediately find Prinze. In a short prayer to the Creator having entrusted his destiny to the highest Trade, it departed to the specified sectors for elimination so at the wrong time of the formed Break.
    When the Fairy flew up to the destination, she saw that business really hot. Continually ahead as summer lightnings were seen is dazzling bright flashes of light, the thunder of gaps and a wild shouting, grunting and squeal of the broken creatures rattled.
    She did not manage to reach an arrangement of sisters as from dense young growth of a hazel grove and raspberry directly on it five zdorovushchy creatures took off. Two of them were with the heads of pigs which of mouth wolf teeth for some reason stuck out. Bodies of monsters reminded human, only behind the back of them wings were seen big webby as at bats. Other three - big gray gargoyleys, also with webby wings, sharp-clawed paws, cat's tails and spiteful mugs. They something

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