Unbroken Pleasures

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Book: Unbroken Pleasures by Alisa Easton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alisa Easton
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you to be happy, Alex. That’s all.”
    “Well you put
your worries to rest, Mary, because I am perfectly happy whether I have a man
in my life or not.”
    “Of course you
are, honey.”
    “I am.”
    She just nodded
and went back to her paperwork and I disappeared into my office to try to focus
on my next patient of the day. I would like to say that all I could think about
was my lunch date with Adam but that wouldn’t be entirely true. Every time the
image of meeting Adam popped up on my head, it wasn’t Adam’s face that I saw.

    Chapter 7
    I was thankful
that I’d chosen to wear a pair of comfortable shoes and slacks that day as I
waved goodbye to Mary and left the office. I considered walking in the opposite
direction and telling Adam later that I forgot about our little arrangement but
decided that wouldn’t be very nice of me and it would only delay the
inevitable. Besides, I might actually enjoy spending some time with him, I
reminded myself. He was well mannered and kind toward his dog, not to mention
not half bad to look at. I felt a twinge of excitement as I spotted him across
the grass. He was sat on a blanket leaning casually against the tree watching
Tiger run around in circles chasing the ball he’d thrown him. I smiled at the
sight of them.
    Adam looked up
as I approached and gestured for me to sit beside him. I sat on the edge and
showered Tiger in attention as he ran up to me in a happy greeting of tail
wagging and kisses before returning to the ball he was playing with.
    “I’m really glad
that you could hang out with us this afternoon,” Adam said watching me. I
looked back toward Tiger to avoid the intensity in his green eyes.
    “I had a pretty
clear schedule today,” I mumbled, unsure of what I should say outside of the
professional environment where I was doctor and he was the patient’s master.
    “Are you
hungry?” Adam reached over and flipped the lid on the picnic basket and even
though I wanted to say no, my stomach rumbled to betray me. He smiled and
reached in to pull out paper plates and real silverware. He set out two plates
and then returned to the picnic basket to fetch two foil wrapped sandwiches and
two small covered Tupperware containers of something that looked like potato
    “I hope it’s okay,”
he said as I picked up one of the foil packages and started unwrapping it, “I
wasn’t sure what you would like.”
    “This looks
yummy. Where did you get them? The deli down the road? I’ve never tried their
sandwiches but I have heard really good things about them. Mary talks about
them all time. I keep meaning to stop by some time but I always seem to be too
busy or too distracted.” I stopped when I realized that I was rambling in
nervousness. Adam didn’t seem to mind. He waited patiently and smiled when I
took a bite and exclaimed how good it was.
    “I made them,”
he said.
    “You made them?”
I didn’t know why I found that so hard to believe. I suppose in all the years
I’d been with Ed, he’d never shown much interest in making anything, especially
if it involved spending time in the kitchen. A lump in my throat made it hard
for me to swallow so that I had to force down the bite I’d just taken.
    “I happen to
know a thing or two about sandwiches,” he said and then winked. I laughed nervously.
    “Yes, you do,” I
said taking another bite.
    “Oh, I almost
forgot to offer you a drink.”
    I watched as he
uncovered two long stem wine glasses and set them out on the blanket. My eyes
    “I have to go
back to work. I shouldn’t…”
    “Shhh…” he said.
He put a finger to my lips to emphasize his point and when he took his hand
away, my lips still tingled from his touch. He offered a plastic bottle from
the picnic bottle and waited for my approval as I read the label.
    “Grape juice?” I
    “It’s the tasty
alternative to a bottle of wine.”
    “I like it.”
    I watched his
steady hands as he opened the

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